The game

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"So, who's going to go first? How will we decide?" I asked. "How about we spin a bottle, and who ever it lands on will get to pick truth or dare from the person who spun it." Squid suggested. "Sure! But do you guys have any empty bottles?" Rosie asked us. "Actually, I think that we do! I'll go get it." Stampy said as he got up and went into the kitchen. He returned just a minute later. "Here we go! Will this work?" He asked, holding the bottle in the air. "Perfect!" Squid answered. Stampy sat back down, and since he thought of playing truth or dare, everyone agreed that he would go first.

Stampy spun the bottle, and it landed on...


"Ooohhh... A brother V.S. sister truth or dare game!" Lee joked, and Stampy punched him lightly on the shoulder, for fun of course. "Ok... Netty, truth or dare?" He asked in a slightly evil sounding voice to make us all laugh. "Umm... I think that im going to pick... dare. " She replied. "Alright then, i dare you too..." He stopped and thought for a moment. "I dare you to kiss your crush, if he's in this room of course, which i know that he is!" Stampy said, singing that last part. We all laughed at the last part of what Stampy had just said, while Netty just sat there blushing. "Ok... go on now..." Stampy encouraged her. "Do I have too?" She quietly asked. "Yes! It'll be alright." I told her. With that, she stood up and walked over too...


She kneeled down beside him and kissed him on the cheek. Once she had pulled away, they were both blushing so much, that they're faces were bright red. "I guess that there's a new member of the MAC!" Squid said. "What? Who?" I questionned. "Nettyhawk!" He answered, and Netty and Tomohawk started blushing once again. I wonder if they're going to be a couple, they'd be cute together! We all started laughing, then went back to the game.

Netty spun the bottle and it landed on...


"Squid... truth or dare?" She asked me. "Umm... truth." "Ok... tell me the truth, how did you and Amy first start liking each other?" "Netty!!!" "Come on Squid, tell us!" She encouraged me.
"Fine... When I was in the hospital, I realized that I can't go on with out her." I told my friends, Amy, who was sitting beside me, hugged me while we both blushed.
He spun the bottle, and it landed on...


"truth or dare Lee?" Squid asked him. "Truth" He replied. "Ok, tell me the truth... Whose your crush?" Squid asked him. " I don't have one..." He mumbled. "Oh come on Lee, I know that you have one, everyone does..."
"I DON'T OK..." He shouted at Squid.
"Wow, Lee calm down, it's just a game..." Finball shouted back at him. This was just getting us no where... What was Lee's problem?!?!
"Fine. We'll do another one. Truth or dare." "Dare." He responded harshly. I rolled my eyes.
"ok than. I dare you to...kiss your crush!" Squid smirked. We all cooed as Lee looked on angrily. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "I can't." me and sqaishey shot each other looks of confusion and disbelief. "what do you mean you can't?" I asked. He shrugged. "cause I can't. She already has a boyfriend." he said. "oh so it must be one of us then..." I smirked at Sqaishey. "yep." she mumbled while leaning on Stampy's shoulder. He put a protective arm around her, and squid did the same to me.
Lee sighed. "Fine."

Then he did the unthinkable.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

HI!!! I updated! I'm on the bus, lol! I would like to give EmilyLoveMakeup1 a shoutout, because she's an amazing writer,she helped me with this chapter, and she's a great friend! So thanks!
Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!!! Bye!!!

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