Telling them

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I knocked on the door and Lee was the one to answer. Should I just turn around and leave? Maybe even chose none of them... No... I have to tell them my choose... I feel good about my chose, so it's better to tell them.
"Hi Amy! What's up?" Lee said as he held the door open for me and let me inside the room. "Actually, I've decided on who I want to be with." I said confidently. For some reason, I felt really badly for Squid, do I want to be with him instead? I don't know... But I'm just going to stay with my chose of picking Lee... I just hope that I'm making the right decision...

Here it goes... I'm going to tell them...

"Amy, I will always love you, even if you pick Lee and not me..." Squid said, with a worried and nervous expression on his face. Probably because on the inside, he's really worried that i'm not going to pick him...

But that was exactly what I was going to do..

Should I?

I feel like I'm making the right decision... So why do I not feel so happy about it?

"Squid, you'll always be my best friend, but... I want to be with Lee..." I said, looking at Squid that entire time... Then I turned around to face Lee. "Really? Me?" He asked. "Yep, and I'm so sorry Squid. I just think that me and Lee would make a great couple." "But what about us? Don't you think that we would make a great couple?" "I'm sorry..." I quietly apologized.

Once that had been said, Squid stormed out of the room, leaving me and Lee alone.

Squid POV
The love of my life had just told me that she likes one of my best friends more than me, and that they would make a better couple...

She chose Lee over me...

All though on the outside, I seemed fine and calm with that whole idea, I was furious on the inside. But I knew that I had to stay strong... I stormed out off the room, trying to keep my tears from falling down my face... I ran to the living room, and took Stampy and Sqaishey into a hug... It didn't even matter to me anymore that they are seeing me cry...

Before, I would never let anyone catch me crying, they all though and still think that I'm a strong person that doesn't cry... But I was the complete opposite in this situation... I stayed in their arms for around 2 minutes, crying. Then I let go, and told them that Amy chose Lee over me...

I stuttered the words and even mumbled some, but they both knew exactly what I had just said.
"Squid, it's alright... It'll be ok... You'll find someone else." Sqaishey told me.

But there wasn't anyone else...

There was just Amy...

She's all that I can ever think off, and she is all that I have ever though off, ever since I've liked her...My mind just won't let her go, and neither did my heart...

I won't let her go so easily, for all we know, we could be together again in the future... I just hope that's the case... "Squid, she's not worth it..." Stampy told me.

But for me, she was...

Amy chose me!!! I was absolutely trilled. I am going to be the best boyfriend ever. I'll do anything for her, now that I know she feels the same way about me, as I do about her!
A few minutes after Squid stormed out of the room, I told Amy that she wouldn't regret her decision of picking me. "Thanks Lee." "No problem, so where's our first date going to be?" I asked her. "I don't know, but how about we go out for dinner, then go bowling." She replied. "Sounds great!" I answered.
Should I kiss her? She's standing right there, and we are together now anyways... So I leaned in, and kissed her full on the lips!
And the best part was that she kissed back! I can't believe that we are officially together!!! This is amazing!

Hi!!! Yep! She told them!!! And Squid, he's pretty mad about it, huh? Ohh... I wonder what he's going to do, since he said that he won't let her go so easily... I wonder on what's going to happen!!! Loves it!!! Can't even!!! Anyways, please comment down some ideas of what Squid should do, with that said, bye!!!

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