The fight

602 27 13

Squid POV
Amy told us that she just needs some time to think, about who she wants to be with.
Oh how I hope that she choses me... If she doesn't... Well then I'll just... I don't know what I would do without her in my life... She's the love of my life, and Lee knows that... If she does chose him then I would definitely wanna still be friends with her, but if that does happen... Whenever I look at her, I'll be thinking of all the fun times that we had together... As a couple.

When we laughed, kissed, hugged... All of that and even more... The way she smiled...

Ugh... I can't stop thinking if she's going to pick me... She needs to pick me... I would literally cry in my bed all day, all week... Maybe even everyday of the year and more... If she choses Lee. That's how much I care about her, I'd do anything for her.
And just like an old friend used to tell me... If you truly love someone or something, let it go, and if it comes back, it was meant to be...
But I just can't let her go... I won't give up...
And as for Lee...he's going to get what he deserves...
And that's what I like to call payback for all that he's done, all of the awfulness that he's caused...
Now that Amy left to go downstairs, it was just me and Lee. We both sat there in silence until he decided to be the first one to speak...
"So, she's going to pick me, you know that right?" He said. "Amy doesn't care for you like she does for me... There is absolutely no way that she's going to pick you... Understand?" I replied, as tears started forming in my eyes. But I decided to stay strong... For Amy... "That's hilarious... But face it, your just standing in her way, for her to be able to see that she loves me. Your just someone that's in her way of seeing who she really loves... " He smirked. "She loves me..." I said, trying to keep my voice calm, and not to loud...

But thats when I lost it... I started screaming...

"AMY LOVES ME! NOT YOU, SHE'S GOING TO PICK ME! NOT YOU!" I screamed at Lee. "OH YEAH, WELL THEN LETS SEE. WHEN SHE DECIDES, I'LL PROVE TO YOU THAT SHE LOVES ME, AND NOT YOU!!! BECAUSE SHE'S GOING TO PICK ME!!!" He screamed back at me. I started to cry and I saw that Lee was about to do the same. Just a couple of hours back, we were like best friends, the whoke MAC was. Now we're in such a huge argument...
And we're putting Amy in the middle off all of this. I feel so bad for her right now, all I wanted was for her to be happy.

Then something unexpected happened...

Lee tackled me to the ground. I was facing the other direction at the time, and he just tackled me down... What is wrong with him?!?! Can't we just handle this in a mature matter, and not fight...

I got so angry at him for doing so that I decided to fight back. Soon we were on the floor fighting each other. Then the door opened. We both froze... It was Amy... Followed by Sqaishey and Stampy...

We both continued fighting, as this just got us even more angrier...

Stampy pulled me away from Lee, and the girls, Amy and Sqaishey, pulled Lee away... Once we had all calmed down, I looked in the mirror and saw that my arms and face were all covered in blood... It hurt a lot...
Sqaishey went downstairs and got some bandages for me and Lee, as he was also covered in blood like me...

She came back upstairs and put them on us...

We were out of control... How did all if this even happen?

Then Amy said something that got everyones attention...

I pulled Lee away with Sqaishey 's help...Stampy pulled Squid away...
Sqaishey got the bandages and put them on the boys. That's when I saw it, the ghost was back...

"I'll tell you who to pick, us ghosts always know what the right choses are... And then I'll leave... And if you don't listen, then I'll stay here and haunt you all forever..."
The ghost told me.

"I'm not going to listen to some silly ghost, I'm going to follow my heart..." I practically screamed... That's what caused everyone to look at me...

Should I listen to him, or do what my heart desires? I mean, he will leave if I listen to him...

Everyone just stared at me, then I just ran out of the room... Crying, because I have no idea who to chose.

I heard footsteps follow behind me, but I didn't bother to look back and see who it was...

Hi!!! AAAHHH!!! WHICH DESICION IS AMY GOING TO GO WITH? ITS SO SUSPENSEFUL!!! THE GHOST, OR HER OWN CHOICE?!?! The suspense is so real!!! Anyways guys, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!!! Bye!!!

Sqampy and the MAC's mysteries.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum