The break - up

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Stampy POV
I ran up to my room, jumped onto my bed, curled into a ball, and began to cry. Around a minute later, there was a knock on my door. It was Sqaishey...

I didn't know what to say, so I just said two simple words: "Come in!"

She came in and sat next to me, and as she did so, it for some reason made me start crying even more...

Meeting Sqaishey was the most greatest thing that's ever happened too me. How am I going to tell her about what happened?

"Stampy, what's wrong?" "Uhh, I have something to tell you, and I know that you'll be really mad at me, but I have too. It's for your own good. Cause he may hurt you, or may hurt me..." "Who's 'he'?" "Your father..." I quietly replied. "What are you talking about Stampy?" Sqaishey asked very eagerly. "Ok, I'm just going to come out and say it... Sqaishey, I love you so much, but I'm breaking up with you..."

"What? Why? I thought that we were so happy together!" Sqaishey screamed at me.

"We were! It's just that-" She cut me off...

"And what does my father have to do with all of this? DON'T YOU EVEN DARE, BRING HIM IN THIS!!! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH ME!!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!?! WE WERE NEVER EVEN MEANT TO BE JOSEPH!!! I CAN'T BELIVE YOU!" With that she stormed out of the room, and I noticed that tears started forming in her eyes.

"SQAISHEY!!! IF YOU JUST LET ME EXPLAIN!!!" I yelled after her.

But it was no use...

'Sqampy' was now broken up...

I lay back down on my bed, and started crying even more...

If only she had let me explain the situation to her...

Then all of this wouldn't have ever happened... Maybe.

I can't Believe that I actually did that...

What was I thinking?

Hi!!! What's up you guys? Long time no see! For like a day or two, but still! Anyways I am almost at 3k reads on this book, and I would really like I reach 3k in three days! So please! Helps me! I can't do it without you all!!! Each and everyone of you made me reach the amount of reads that I'm at now, so please! With that said, see you guys next time!!! Bye!!!

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