Realizing my mistake

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After Squid and Lee shared their ides of how tomorrow would go, I leaned back in my chair and sighed. 'Was this really what I wanted?' I thought to myself. 'Yes, it is.' A voice echoed through the room. 'The ghost is back?' I thought again, this time in panic. 'Yes, I am back. And never doubt your decisions. The slippery fellow is a fool; he never would've loved you. This bear guy of yours, now he's a keeper.' The ghost said. 'Really? Cause it sure doesn't seem that way. And squid would always love me...' I mumbled. 'Oh you silly child. Your foolish thoughts are no match for my powers. You think seeing and hearing me is bad? Wait till you see what happens if you get back with the other guy. Your current guy is the one for you. You'll see...' And with that, his voice drifted off- as did he- to the point where we could no longer be seen nor heard.

I sighed as I thought.

'Was the ghost right? Should I listen to him? Or should I follow my heart?' I thought silently.

This was becoming more complicated than I thought.


Yes. My plan is working perfectly! She's mine, she's finally mien! After months of liking and wanting her, I cannot believe that she is finally mine! I'm so excited! And I'm even more excited knowing that she's now my girl, and not that awful Squid's. 'He can't neglect or hurt her anymore.' I thought to myself, but I guess that I was thinking a little too hard, since after I did that, I heard this from Amy, "How dare you Lee? I thought that choosing you was a blessing, but it obviously seems like a curse. I liked you, but now that I hear and see the way that you are treating me, it's obvious that all you ever cared about was rubbing it in poor Squid's face that you stole his girlfriend. It was a mistake ever choosing you. Oh and about that, the only reason that I ever even thought about choosing you over him was the fact that the ghost told me to do so, or else he would haunt us!" She screamed.

"What the hell are you even talking about Amy? Ugh, see what I mean! You are all delusional and crazy after being with Squid for so long." "WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN YOUR PROBLEM? YOUR SUCH AN AWFUL GUY! I NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!!!!!" She screamed before storming off.

I chuckled to myself. There is no way that she will dump me. And even if she does, I will continue to haunt her and the rest of these guys for as long as it takes for her to realize her mistake...


I ran upstairs to my room. I hurried inside and slammed the door.

I ran to my bed and started crying.

All I wanted right now was him.


All I wanted was Squid.

Squid POV

I sighed. Amy seemed so happy with Lee as her boyfriend. Sure I missed her more than anything in the whole world, but I did tell her that whichever option she chooses I would be happy with.

I regret those words so much now.

"It hurts so much having her gone." I said to Stampy, who was sitting right beside me on the couch. "I know buddy, I know. But Sqaishey is talking to her now to see what her side of the story is. You know, how she really feels." I sighed. "There is no way that she likes me; she already chose Lee." I stated as fresh tears began to flood my eyes, blurring my vision after a few seconds. The tears stung in my eyes as they slowly began to spill out of my eyes and run down my cheeks. I looked up at Stampy and stared him in the eyes. "It hurts so much. My life feels so empty without hr at my side. I never knew how much I loved her until she was she'll never be me again." I sighed as tears continued to flow freely from my blood-shot eyes. "Hey, cheer up buddy. When we go bowling, I'm sure you'll forget all about it." I nodded slightly and got up. "Thanks mate." I sniffled. He threw me a smile before proceeding on doing whatever he was doing before.

I walked into the kitchen and pre-heated the kettle for some tea. I sighed deeply as I turned to face a picture of me and Amy from a couple months ago. We were at the beach, and it was only days after we had gotten together. It was our first picture together as a couple...

Tears soon begun to once again prick in my eyes as I thought about how happy the two of us were before all of this ever happened.


Tears spilled out of my eyes as I grabbed the kettle and poured it into a mug with the tea bag in it. Even thinking about her made me upset.

I sighed.

All I wanted right now was her.

All I wanted was Amy.


As I sat in bed thinking about the happy times, I heard a soft knock at the door. "Who is it?" I called. "It's me. Can I come in?" Sqaishey. "Sure." I sighed.

The door opened and in she walked. "Hey. I heard what happened between you and Lee. From the looks of things, Amy, it doesn't really seem that he really cares for you, nor does he have any respect for you as a fried, girlfriend, or a person." She warned. I nodded. "I know. I don't even know why I chose him over Squid in the first place. He looks so...depressed." I looked up at her face as fresh tears began to sting in my eyes. "I know. Stampy told me the same thing. He's talking to Squid right now." She said. I nodded and turned my head back down. "You wanna know something Amy? Back when I was younger, I used to love looking at quotes. I read through millions, but there was one that always seemed to stick out to me. It's by Johnny Depp, and it that if you love two people at the same time, choose the second, because if you loved the first one, then you never would've fallen for the second. Think about this Amy. Did you love Squid when you first started liking Lee?" I pondered for a minute. "Well, yes I did. I never really liked Lee back until when we kissed me...I realized that I did have some feelings for him, but I have learned that those feelings aren't nearly as strong as the ones that I had towards Squid...and still have. I never stopped loving him Sqaish, not for a second. It hurts so much knowing that he doesn't love me back. He will never forgive me for my actions, and I don't blame him." I said as I hung my head down in sorrow.

"That's where you're wrong."

We both looked up to see Stampy in the doorway, arms crossed with 'sad' written across his face. "What?" I questing. "Squid. I talked to him, and believe it or not Amy, he feels the same way." "Really?" I said shocked. He nodded as he walked closer. "He misses you Amy, he really does. His life feels so empty without you at his side, he told me." "Wow." I mumbled. "Now, the decision is yours. Who do you want?" Sqaishey asked as she began to rub my back soothingly.

I thought for a quick second before deciding.

"I want Squid."

Hi!!! What's up? So, to start of I would like to give all credits of this chapter to my wonderful friend Emily, other wise known as EmilyLovesMakeup1 here on wattpad! She is a very talented writer, who also happens to come up with the greatest ideas ever! This idea was all hers, as she wrote this chapter. So thanks so much to you!!! I truly loves it! With that said, I hope that you all have a great day, bye!!!

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