Chapter 1

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" Hey Sachi," some random person calls as I walk through the gateway of hell.

Northhood High was the school of foolish ,rich humans; excluding me that is. I've been here for three years now and honestly I'd prefer a more comfortable setting, preferably a supernatural school. Sadly those were closed years ago by the former elders in hopes to get rid of human suspects. In their era that would have made sense but right now no one gives a shit. In fact humans would probably worship us, thinking that we're heroes or something. I should know, I've seen how pathetic they can get.

"Nice shoes Sachi," another squeals.

" Sachi I love you!"

Way too pathetic if you ask me but it's been like this ever since I could remember. I was rich, good looking, one of a kind, amazing, and all the other adjectives that people wish they could be. My mothers complain and say that I'm a narcist but I'd like to think that it's  the truth which can be painful for some.

"Another rough morning?" Antony says leaning against my locker." How 'bout we do something to make it a little better?"

I simply stared at the lanky brunet, obviously not my type. Too loud, way too loud. Besides, I heard he slept with his ex's sister and got her pregnant. I really don't need that drama in my life. I am the daughter of two women, that's enough for me. Besides I have a mate somewhere waiting on me.

"Get lost boy! She wants a real man!" Roy says shoving him to the slide beginning the first fight of the morning. This was how my mornings start,  a war between the swimming team and the football team. Shouldn't they be fighting over the head cheerleader or something?

" Baby! What are you doing?" cried Jessica, the head cheerleader.

Speak of the devil.

I watched as she flew herself all over the brawling teens, none of which who wanted her.

I step over the tumbling boys and the attention seeking bitch and made way to my history class. Many find themselves hating the subject but I'm fascinated over the past, since my present is quite boring.

"Goddess you're late." Sir. Riche grumbles , calling me by my first name as I made way past the awestruck students to my special seat at the back of the large hall. 

"Sorry oh wise one. I shan't be late tomorrow. " As if that'll happen. It's not like I wanted to be late. My fans just keep on flocking me and it's pretty difficult to get to places. Goddess knows how I'm going to make my way out of this class when it ends.

"You're soo funny Sachi!" some wanna be Britney Spears giggles from besides me.

I sneered at her pitiful state and walked ahead where I was greeted by the only person I could tolerate." Hello Mister second place."

I watched his pink relatively full lips curve into a frown at my presence," wrong place honey. I think you're looking for the strip club."

"Babe, babe. Calm down. I'm sorry I couldn't jack you off this morning, no need to be hostile about it." I teased causing him to gag more.

"I hate you!" he spat.

"You're envious of me but I don't believe you hate me." I laughed taking out my notebook from my bag. He remained silent, staring out at the front as if the blank board was so interesting. I simply shook my head at his childishness.

 Irid Theophile was always below me from school grades, to positions, awards, everything. I would go as far to say that his mission in life is be first place sadly that won't happen. Not only am I smart but I'm adored by students(not soo much of the teachers). Irid on the other hand was hated by the entire student body but worshipped by the teachers; obviously that wasn't working out to well for him.

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