Chapter 30

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Sachi POV

" Long ago, during the war of the Titans, a beautiful Goddess called Gaia was born. Upon seeing her beauty, it reminded Zeus of Earth. In dark times baby Gaia brought so much life into the Gods life and so she became the Goddess of life or as humans like to call her, Mother Nature. Gaia loved the Earth took her time to grow it and nurture as one would take care of a baby. She was loved by many and so Eos was envious of her and wanted her dead! The loving Goddess was naive and accepted a drink with Eos but it was laced with poison. Zeus was furious and so he sent Eos to Hephaestus where she would stay forever. As for Gaia, it was almost too late the most he could have salvage was her spirit and so sent her down to the core of the Earth were she would be protected and can take care of her Earth. Vowing that he will one day she would be called to the Earth by the one who she will bless with her spirit."

" Eos?" I asked confusingly. Impossible!

" Really? You just heard that you posses the spirit of mother nature and you're worried about Eos?" The pregnant one says rolling her eyes.

How do you know it's her?" Clementine asks.

" Her eyes.  That's the symbol of the earth one silver eyes represents the moon and the golden one the sun. The Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the Earth. " The man explain enthusiastically.

" How are you sure?" My mate repeats.

" Oh for Goddess sake! You saw what she did. You of all people should know that. The Earth obeyed her. I'm sure if she wanted rain to pour we'd all be soaking!" The pregnant beauty says. If it weren't for her belly I would hold her up and demand how she knew Clementine.

" So what's next?" Clementine asks carefully.

I gasped in disbelief." Oh you got to be fucking kidding me! Let me tell you what's next!". I growled as thunder struck.' You're going to everything you know about Eos?" I pointed to the man.

"  Eos was the goddess of dawn. She was a beauty as most Gods were. She was also kind, loving and overall such a charming person. It was what lead Ares to fall in love with her . When Aphrodite learnt that the Goddess slept with her lover  she cursed her to fall in love with every man she met. This causes a lot of problems for everyone and soon enough Eos wasn't the sweet girl they once knew. From killing Gaia to sleeping with Selene's lover. There were multiple reasons why she was all locked up. Her brother Helios was the only one who cared for her and she wants nothing more than to rule by his side; sun and moon."

How did I not know this? Why didn't I know this? " Oh my Goddess and I was going to give it to her, I was going to give it to her! How could I? I thought all gods were good. no, I thought she was good." It was all too much, I couldn't think and there was nothing I could focus on. I thought I was losing my damn mind!

"Sachi! " A voice called but I wasn't hearing. My mind was wind all over the place. I wasn't calming down.

I looked around and noticed it wasn't my mind that was windy. The room was circling about like I was in a tornado. The man was spinning around, bottles was flying everywhere, and the woman! Goddess no the woman! She was pregnant. I tried to move but I couldn't and the more things moved the more control I lost.

"You need to calm down." A voice says startling me.

" Who are you?" I shouted." Stop this!"

" No time for questions. I know this is new to you but I need you to calm down. Your emotion is stirring the Earth.  Calm down. You need to gain control of the situation. Think of  the midnight sky. It'll help."

Then her voice disappears.

" Sky." I closed my eyes thinking of the night sky. It was beautiful with twinkling stars and the moon. I felt relaxed as all the tension left my body. it worked!

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