Chapter 10

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" Alpha," a girl greeted turning my attention from the playing toddlers.

" I've told you many times that I'm not an alpha."

Sometimes I found it a bit strange that they called me Alpha when Marco their Beta was still here.

" I can't help it." She mumbles starting at the floor.

The girl didn't look older than fifteen and I couldn't imagine what she's gone through. " How old are you?"

" I'm nineteen." She frowns.

She was one of those people who looked younger than they actually were; definitely blessed.

" Where are your parents?"

" They're dead. It's been a few years now. Since I'm 19 I live in a room in the pack house."


All this time I was living my full, rich life there were people suffering. Funny I already knew that but I never cared until now.

" So you don't have any family left?" I ask.

" I never really had a family but I'm okay. Hopefully things change here. I'd hate if the fosters go through what I did," She sigh .

Then it made sense. Everybody here has been through some sort of trauma. They see me as the Alpha, the one to protect and lead them because everything changed while I was there.  I'm the difference and the fact that things can be different, it fuels their hope. " Take me to the office."

" Yes Alpha." This time I said nothing.

" What's your name?" I asked curiously.

" Mousy." She says.

It suited her. She was very cute with her short brown greyish hair and petite body." Cute. "

" Thanks. Come let's go before everyone thinks it's my fault."

By then I was familiar with the  stained walls. I've been here willingly for two days. I just couldn't leave without seeing a completed pack house.

Two days ago Paulo and I went shopping for clothes but I figured we could get some things for the pack. So after four hours we were in our way back home with three trucks moving trucks behind us.

The furniture in the pack had made it time and the wood of the cabins were rotting. So I thought cement and bricks would have been better to build their house.

Paulo was having a hard time accepting the gift but he knew they needed it.

" Does anyone at the pack knows how to build? Or do I need to hire someone for that?" I remember asking as we parked at the entrance of the pack house.

" We'd like to build it for ourselves. It feels better, more satisfying. We'll discuss it further after the new Alpha takes his place." He replied.

Maybe that's what the meeting is about.

" I see you took your time," Marco says turning up his lip making him look uglier than his usual self.

" Fix your face. You look like my grandma's cat." I laughed.

He growled, offended by my remark.
Paulo patted his back trying to soothe his wounded ego." Dear, dear love."

" As amusing as this is, we need to get this over with. There are things to be done," a pack member interrupts.

I almost forgot about the meeting. " Sorry about that. Good day to everyone. Why am I here?"

" We were discussing pack issues and wanted you to be here to finalize." Paulo smiles.

" You do know that I am leaving in a few days right? The pack house is almost completed and there is something I must do.  I am not the Alpha here," I explained.

They looked disappointed but nodded their heads in understanding.

" Ou! What if the pack helps you complete whatever it is you have to do " Paulo asks." Then you can say here with me."

" The only thing I need from your pack is directions to the Rare Rose Coven and a few fighting lessons. The rest is my fight. I refuse to drag anyone else in it." The less they get involved the better.

I made brief eye contact with Mousy and she stared curiously. I knew she was going to question me later. I took a deep breaths and looked away, facing the few people that were here. " Mousy why don't you bring the Alpha here."

I didn't need to see her to know that she was confused. " Who is the Alpha?"

" Zion."

The members who were here gasped and looks of disbelief and dread filled the room. " Zion? He's not fit to be an Alpha. He's wea-."

He had no time to complete his sentence before I was in his personal space. " Weak? That's what you're going to say?"

I could smell his perspiration and nervousness. He couldn't even look me in the eye." Do you  what it's like to have parents who don't give a fuck about you?"

He frowned.

" Do you know what it's like to be beaten and hated by the people who made an oath to protect you?"

No response.

" You were in better position than Zion for your entire life and you did nothing to improve this world! He stopped his life, dropped his dream to raise his siblings and still had to deal with his abusive father and bitchy mother. You should be ashamed of yourselves! The least you could do was respect him. Respect his effort as an individual. Even now after it all he is breathing; of that isn't strong then you know nothing of strength."

The room remained silent as every one sunk in my words.

" That's the nicest thing someone ever said about me." A quiet voice whispers.

I stared at the boy, well the man. He was indeed older than me but his small frame made him look younger. His eyes shone beautifully as the sun beamed through it. He was definitely the one.

I said nothing. Instead I bent on one knee, bowing my head as I kneeled before him. I heard the scraping of chairs as  everyone followed suite.

" Oh my goodness!" He chokes out trying to hold in his sobs.

I stood up and wrapped him in my arms." You go this Alpha Zion."

" Thank you, "he whispers. " Thank you so much."

" Omg! I want a hug too!" Paulo says standing up " You're gonna do so great. We'll have sleep overs and makeovers, go shopping - omg we're going to be besties!"

His mate stared at him surprised by his sudden outburst while Zion looked petrified but I could see a glimpse of excitement.

" Aww look at you guys ! A happy pack!" I cheered as everyone got up and dusted their knees.

" All thanks to you." They smiled.

I smiled as my chest filled with pride.
I did something right and it felt amazing.




Fact of the day:  Reindeers are better than people.

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