Chapter 28

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Roger Pov

"You're coming with me," she states as she made way to the car.

" What about Luna Aera?" I asked.

"There is no Luna Aera."

What did she mean by no Luna Aera? Did she choose to stay behind? Were there further problems with the mates? It wasn't my place to ask and so I glanced at the building one last time before entering the idling car.

After the whole ordeal, I begged the Alpha to go to my mate. It had been too many hours and a phone call was no longer an option. I needed to feel, smell, and touch him. It took time to convince her but finally I was allowed to go to him. I knew that he was going to be confused, anybody would be but with the bond he'd no doubt come to me.

" Hurry up get your mate. We need to move!" Alpha Aura says as she parked besides her house.

" Is there anything you would like?" I ask before going in.

" No."

And so I left and entered the what I once called home. " Irid!"

"Who's there?" I weak voice called out from the living room.

Goodness! He didn't sound too good. I raced to his scent and nearly cried at the state of my mate." Darling." I whispered.

" Roggery?" He whimpers breaking my old heart into peaces. " I thought you weren't coming back. I thought you weren't coming!" He cries.

I should have never left him. I was contemplating whether or not I should hold him. He looked pale, visibly sweating and was so much thinner than he was when I just saw him.

His cries became louder," You won't even touch me!"

All the concern jumped right out of the window as I went to touch my hysterical mate. I've never heard much stories of being mated to human but I knew that humans we're weaker than we were so whatever I was feeling, he was feeling it ten times worse." Oh baby I'm so sorry."

"Don't leave me again," he whispers before knocking out cold in my arms. Poor fellow, maybe was sleep deprived. If I knew before I would have brought him with me. It was good that I came back otherwise he would be dead by the time I got back.

Thinking of that made me sick! I was such a bad mate. The longer I looked at him, the guiltier I felt. " Forgive me mate." I said as I kissed his cold forehead.

With him still in my arms, I went up to the room and grabbed a few clothes and his personal documents for the trip to the airport. I would have to call the school to inform them of his absence.

" Finally! I was about to come drag you out myself!" Aura says from the passenger seat.  " Goddess! Is he dead?" She gaps as she finally looked at the sleeping male in my arms.

I growled warning her to shut it before I go ballistic. She was the Alpha but Irid is my mate, she casually joking about his death wasn't doing me any good.

" I apologize. How about I drive us to the airport and you stay at the back with your mate. I'm sure he would wake once he leaves your arm. Aera was like this once." She smiles.

It was the best thing she'd said to me since Sachi ran away and I was grateful but also curious as to what she meant when she said Aera was like that once. I wanted to inquire more about it but decided against it. I didn't want to ruin the mood and to be fair it wasn't my business.

Alpha Aura opened the back  door of the vehicle so that I could lay my sleeping mate in then she crossed over to the driver's seat.

The ride to the airport was silent and spent the time admire the feel of my mate in my arms. I never had the balls to hold him thinking that it would have been inappropriate of me but I now realize how foolish I was to even think that. He was mine, made for me and me alone.

" Okay we're here. I'll check us in and grab the bags and you get your mate. Matter fact, I think it's best if you throw a hoodie over him. With all the dark purple spots, bags under his eyes and thin body, they're going to think that we kidnaped him, beat the fuck out off him and now attempting to escape."

She was right. It did look a bit sus. Luckily I brought a hoody with me. I carefully put it over his  body and carried him out of the vehicle. I got a few weird stares from the few people that were there but paid no mind to it. The process went smoothly and pretty soon we were heading out to the Alpha's private jet.

" Good day, is there anything you would like?" The air hostess ask as we sat comfortable in the large seats.

" A bottle of champagne would be lovely." Aura says as she took off her jacket and shades.

Staring at her now reminded me of when she just hired me. This was the woman I knew. Cold eyes, dominating personality and strong stance. It was nice to see her back in her old self but even then she looked unhappy. She was better than how she was a few weeks ago, laying still in a bed crying whole day.

" What are you looking at?" She growls.

" Nothing. I'm just reminiscing. " I shrugged.

" Uhuh, I see," she replies unconvinced.

I laughed a bit before turning my attention back to my sleeping mate. He was so beautiful.

The waitress came back with a bottle of champagne as promised. Gave a curtsey and went back to whenever she came from.

" This is going to be a long flight. Why don't you head off to the bed with your mate. I'm sure you'll be more comfortable there." She offers before downing the entire bottle of champagne. I have to admit, it was impressive.

" Thanks Alpha." I smiled as I left for the bed. I rested my mate gently on the soft mattress and cuddled next to him listening to his soft breathing.

The rest of the trip was quite boring. I had just enough time to think on my life. I worked for the Alpha for over eighteen years and finally I had my mate. I was no longer going to spent my time fixing their problems. I couldn't keep up with them, all I could think about was my mate confused and worried in the mansion. I couldn't bring him into family matter. It was none of his business and neither mine if I'm being honest. I was paid to take care of the house and that is exactly what I would do from now on. If fact after this, I will definitely be needing a vacation of some sort, just me and my mate. Sounds so peaceful.

I was even thinking of retiring. I gained enough money from the Bakes. My only family was the one I created in Canada with Sachi . I had no children of my own and my working schedule left no space for relationship which I was more than thankful for.

"Passengers please buckle your seatbelts we are about to land." Says the captain and boy was I grateful! I felt way more comfortable on land.



I'm back my darling homos. How you been?

Fact of the day: I've done some research because I girlfriend was convinced that masturbation was a sin. Turns out it's not and isn't even mentioned in the Bible. I'm Agnostic but respectful (but I was ready to break up then and there, when a lesbian tell you these things you should be concerned). What's your religion?

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