Chapter 32

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Sachi POV

It was disgustingly silent and almost no one made a move, it was like they were all frozen in time, lined up at the front of the narrowed entrance. " I wouldn't go there if I were you." Silver warns as he continued walking down a bit lower down the corridor.

"Why? I thought you said that this was the way to the cells?" There was no time to waste with his games, my chest was starting to ache as the feeling of pain coursed through me and the pain, it wasn't mine.

"That's the passageway for the passage way for the prisoners, the guards pass this way, "he says pointed to the door besides him.

I wasn't foolish. There was obviously something special in the prisoners passageway that the guards had the luxury of not experiencing. "Which way did they go?"

He nervously pointed to the door I was standing in front of. " Right so I'll go through there."

"With all due respect ma'am, I don't think you should go there it's very..."

"Treacherous." I concluded.

"That's one way to put it." he mutters.

I took a breath before putting my foot forward. It wasn't fair to Clementine if I took the easy way in. It was my fault that she was in this situation in the first place.

" I know that you think that what you're doing is a good idea but she's your mate. You going in there is only going to make it worse. I'm not entirely sure what condition she is in right now but this will not help Sachi." he pleaded.

I hate to admit it but he was right. I moved away reluctantly and followed him to the other opening.

It was a bit dark at first but as we went along things got clearer. I was expecting a moist old stone hallway but instead glass lined the walls. I almost thought it was pretty until I saw exactly what why the glass was there. slingshots, axes, sharp stones sticking from the celling and floors. They were being tortured before they were actually tortured. Did they even survive the way to the dungeons?

" Most don't." he says as though he could read my mind.

Goddess, I swear if there is one drop of blood on my mate. I would brew a storm. Literally. For the rest of the walk I kept my head straight not wanting to see what she went through. This mer bitches were not playing when it came to prisoners.

" Alright this is it,' Silver says as he stopped infront of the metal door. We walked until we met the end. " Maybe you should stay out. As her mate, I don't think it's a good idea that you come."

"Get out of my face." I pushed past him, heading towards my mate. Whoever hurt her will pay. They hurt my mate , someone who has supported them for decades. I haven't even been gone for a day and there they were
There wasn't much light coming from the room but I could see my mate and this tall slender crooked man with blonde locs standing beside each other. I was ready to attack but a soldier held me back. "Wait."  This entire room is filled with automated weapons we could all lose our lives in seconds." He whispered.

As if I cared about their lives.

" I told you I didn't do anything! I've been a friend of the Queen and King for decades why would I do something now? What benfit do I have in harming an innocent unborn child!" Clem says.

"I've never trusted you from the moment you came to our kingdom. You charmed everyone but me. I knew there was something wrong with you! Now I willtake great pleasure tearing you apart!" He spat .

The nerve of this man, daring to touch my mate. I ignored the guards warning I went straight for the man. He was dying tonight! There was no reason for a being like this to keep on living, poisoning the Earth. His senses must have not even great because he didn't notice that I was just a few inches away from him. Or if he did, I didn't notice.

Although he was tall, I stood higher than he would ever reach, slowly crane my head moving closer to his ears as my hands quickly grabbed his throat." No. I will take great pleasure in tearing you apart."

I can't allow you to do that. I know he hurt your mate but its it's his job. He was taught to be this way. Lack of trust and discipline is his way of living. Your mate is no different , she's hurt just the same.

" Clearly, you have not heard from me. I am Gretchen Moss the Master torturer." He boasts.

" I know more about you than you know about yourself. Gretchen Thornnhill, half human half merman; cliché. Mother died while giving birth and  father followed soon after. Leaving you a tiny guppy all alone. The late Queen was on a swim when she saw little Gtretchy and took him to the pod." I began as I begun freeing my visibly angry mate from her chains." You never really fit in. Sure you had a tail but even that was different. You were never seen as a full merman and so you kept hidden in this prison cell where you released your pent up rage on people who the Queen felt deserve it. "

"H–how do you know? I've never told anyone that before," He says taken aback. I almost felt sorry for him.

" What is this? A confession? Just kiss and marry for fucks sake! Do you not care for me mate? Chatting to away with this half breed while I am in physical pain? Do I not matter?" She cried as she released her grip on me staring with expecting eyes.

What was I suppose to day after such outburst? I was just trying to help."Um–."

" Right," she scoffed." I should have known better. I'll leaving  have fun you two."

" No, wait. Let me help you! I don't think you can walk alone!" I raced to her side trying to stabilise the weak woman but not so much to my surprise she brushed me off, almost tripping in the process.

"Don't fucking touch me." She growled.

"Ah, so you want to be mad." She was the one with a fuck buddy! All I did was follow my gut to help this man have a better life." You're the one with a slut!"

"A slut that you killed!" She spat.

"For the thousandth time, the bitch ain't dead!"
"Uh..maybe I should leave now," an uncomfortable Gretchen says as he stepped back slowly out the door.

If it weren't for my supernatural hearing I would have never heard him whisper,"these women are crazy."

When I was sure he was gone I faced my mate ready to get it all off my chest.

" Ah, so you admit you have a slut! She even said that you were engaged. Lucky me so blessed to have such a whore of a mate." All the hurt and anger was finally getting to me as I closed my eyes trying my best to fight tears.

" If I'm such a slut then maybe you should find another mate!" She shouted seconds later a  look of regret flashed in her eye but it was already too late.

"I'm happy to know how you finally feel about me. . . Mate."

Sup homos!

Fact of the day: I'm not dead yet. . . Unfortunately

I need to complete this book once and for all so you will be hearing from me soon. Next chapter coming up!.


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