Chapter 31

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Sachi POV

" If you touch me, I will break your neck."  I was standing on the steps of the mansion and as expected there were  a group of men shielding the entrance.

" Escort her to the King." The large blond one orders. No one moved and I don't blame them. A few moments ago they saw me jumping of a cliff and now I was here without a bruise or scratch. " Go on then! "He continues to bark.

" General i don't think she's a threat." I searched around the group of faces trying to find the brilliant boy who said that.

"Is that so Squamous?" 

'Well that's an odd name,"  I muttered as I stared at the sleeping woman and newborn in my arms.

" Shut up Fish Turd before I send you to the dungeons!" 

So immature. Maybe they should put squamous in charge. Clearly he was the brain of the operation." Okay Squamous take me to the King. He needs to cut umbilical cord and the Queen needs some clothing. If you do love your queen you should get me there as soon as possible before I send you to the dungeons."

He was ready to give a remark when a soldier came up to me," Hi, I'm Squamous. Follow me."  Unlike the others his hair was a white with matching colour irises. He was a beauty then again most of them in this Pod was beautiful.

" So...," I drawled." What's your real name?"

" Squamous is my real name." he spoke lacking confidence. I could tell that he was the 'quiet one' and rarely ever spoke up.

" Okay. Well it's nice to meet you Silver. I'm Sachi better know as Fish Turd." I couldn't stretch out my hands to greet him like I wanted to but that didn't seem to bother him.

" General means well. He's just a bit ...." He pauses not finding the words.

" Controlling? Idiotic? Impudent? Need I go on?" 

" I think we get it," he laughs as we walked down he empty hall.

" Where is everyone and where are we going?'" Usually the place was flooding with people.

"They were sent to the safety rooms while others left the Pod looking for protection. "He explains." And I am taking you to the King as General suggested."

"Sheesh. All that for little old me." I laughed but i understood why it was done. " Tell the people that there is no threat and I think it's best if you take me to their chambers rather some office. They need a change of clothes and well she's practically naked."

" The King would be pissed but I understand your reasoning." He sighs no doubt fearful.

" It's alright love. Nothing will happen to you, I'll make sure of it. "  

" What are you?" He asks suddenly. 

' A Goddess apparently but shush don't tell anyone."  From the look on his face I could tell that he thought I was joking but he said nothing.

" And what about you? You're different. What are you?" I was curious. There was something else to him.

" I don't know what you're talking about," he says as he stopped infront of a wooden door. " This is it. The King is angry so do mind him. After I go fetch him I'll wait here outside."

"He's a siren. Very rare, half bird, half women. I'm actually surprised." The voce says.

I always thought a Siren was a mermaid. I guess you learn new things everyday.

" Oh trust me. There is plenty to learn." And just like that she was gone again.

" Thanks again Silver Siren. I will see you soon. Tell the King to hurry." The boy was too stunned to speak probably thinking to himself 'how did she know?'.

 I  didn't wait for the shock to pass as I closed the doors to the bedroom and laid the two sleeping beauties on the comfortable looking bed." Your mate will be so pissed." I smiled thinking about it. Then I remembered...My mate! 

Was Clementine okay?

 She had better be safe!

 I didn't know these people but from the looks of it that it is possible that she was in the dungeon probably being tortured.

I was enraged just by the thought of it but I was also to be blamed. I was the one who got her in that position! "When the King comes I will demand to know of my mate's whereabouts." I said to myself.

" How dare she!' I heard a voice boom, shaking the walls but I was unafraid." I invite her to MY house , she takes MY mate and is not ordering  ME around?'

I guess he made a fair argument. Maybe he'd prefer if I laid his almost naked wife on display.

" You!" he grows slamming the door open revealing a muscular, tall bearded man.

" Me?" I asked faking innocence. 

" Wait till I get my hands on you." he growls stalking forward.

I couldn't help the laugh which escaped me," Dear King, why don't you refrain from embarrassing yourself further and have a sit besides your mate and child?'

His eyes soften as he stared at his mate. Rushing to her no doubt checking for injuries. When he say hat she was okay he asked," Why did you go with her?" 

" She went into an early labour and you would have lost both of them if I hadn't acted quickly." It wasn't the full story but that was basically the main idea. 

" I was so scared. " he whispered." I thought I had lost them."

" They're okay. Next time don't go throwing spears so quickly. " I smiled." Now, where is my mate?"

He bit his lip, shifting uncomfortably. He was guilty and something told me that it wasn't good. " She's in the dungeon."

" What did you do to her?" I growled." What did you fucking do!'

" I-i thought that you-," he began but was interrupted by my fist making contact with his face.

"Calm down before you brew a storm."

'"I could care less if I brew a damn storm. They hurt my mate!" I growled.

" She's not hurt. Otherwise you would have felt it. Now go to your mate before they do hurt her."

I felt some sort of relief after hearing her words. I opened the door to the room leaving swiftly before I had a change of heart and as promised, Silver Siren was out waiting for me. I knew he heard every bit of the conversation so there was no need to explain anything to him. 

" To the dungeon we go," he says nervously. 




Fact of the day: One of the first legends of mermaids was in Syria around 1000 BC. Goddess Atargatis dove into a lake as she  desired to become a fish. The gods did not approve of her losing her beauty and so she kept her human top and fish tail.

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