Chapter 29

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Aura POV

I was terrified!

What would I say? How do I even go to them? There was a time when we were glued together where I couldn't go a month without hearing my mother's laughter or my father's joke. Seeing my family together as one is now a dream but in order to do that I needed to be here and I found that to be difficult.

This was our home, me ,Aera and Laiah's.All three of us. We laughed there, cried here, mated here and we lost here. Surely they would understand that I couldn't be there.

"Are you ready to head in Alpha?" Roger asks after a while.

Sigh." Better now than ever."

It was different, completely different. Nothing was familiar except the warm welcoming feeling of being back at home. There was a large gate around the fenced area; if anything it was more upgraded. But the gate stood a guard wearing a tux with a blank expression but he was no threat. He didn't need to ask any questions he knew who I was.

" Open the door. " I ordered.

" Does Luna Stara know that you're here?" He asks with in a calm respectful tone.

" What does it matter? I said let me in! I'm here to speak with my mother and father." I growled not tolerating his question. I was the Alpha he was supposed to let me in. I was the one to ask questions.

" Father?" He frowns looking at me with pity." Come on in. I won't be the one who breaks it to you. Alpha Tobias is in the pack house with his family."

What did he mean by that? And Alpha Tobias? Since when ? How could they change the Alpha without reaching out to me first! We were going to have such a lovely chat when I got there.

The guard stared at Roger , more specifically his human mate who sat on his back. " He's no threat. The human is his mate."

He opened the gate with a card and Roger and his now awaken mate followed me.

I took my time observing each and every bit of the land I once called home. There were cottages cutely dispersed around the land where the old pack house used to stand and children giggling as they rolled on the grass followed by a warning growl of the parents. 
"I missed so much, "I sighed.

We continued walking and there stood the new pack house in all it's glory. It was fancy, almost like a hotel in the middle of nowhere with many floors and large glass windows with wooden doors. The view from up there must have been great!

I ran like a child, forgetting all my worries as I went to the house. Then I saw it.

The field of flowers. We never had one of those before. Pack members didn't care too much about flowers. The only place suitable for such thing was the field. The field where I last saw Laiah. Drawn towards it, I walked slowly almost afraid that the ground would crack open and swallow me whole.

" Wow. That's beautiful." Roger mate says.

" It really is." There were no doubt. Millions of different flowers scattered across the field. It looked like a rainbow; a promise.

" Hey look!" The boy points getting all excited. "What does it say?"

It was then I realized the sign to my left. I walked towards it." Lost but not forgotten, Isura."

This was for her. Tears flowed down my face as I traced the golden letters.
It warmed my heart to know that they always remembered her. " Come on let's go."

The door to the mansion opened automatically and we were left awestruck at the sight before us. It was fancy but simple just like the house. " Mom!" I called.

FIGHT FOR ADITYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora