Chapter 22

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Somewhere along the way I somehow managed to upset Sachi to the point where she could not stand my presence. Each time her mouth moved I would get excited thinking that she was about to speak to me but instead she's scream out the lyrics to modern music that I really wasn't into.

"You make me wanna jump of the roof cuz I love you to death, just like a fool. I'll rather a coffin handmade for two cuz I love you to death, just like a fool. Just like a fooool. "

What kind of fucked song is this?

" I walk up to the edge yeah. And say a prayer before I let go. I'll probably see you through the window. While I'm falling past the fifth floor. Then you get there just in time to save me and apologize and maybe we could go back to bed."

I checked the music player on the jeep to watch the name of the mentally unstable person who dares release such a song.

Jessie Reyez and Eminem- Coffin.

Why was she even listening to a suicidal song? She's got everything to live for like her future career, family and me. 

Yes me.

Whether I liked it or not  (but I really did like it). It was fun. I've known her for forty eight hours now and it has been splendid. The wait felt worth it,the Goddess really blessed me with a strong, independent mate.

"You make me wanna jump of the roof cuz I love you to death just like a fool. We'll build a coffin handmade for two cuz I love you death just like a fool. Just like a fool ,just like a fool." She croaked.

That's it!  I turned of the damn thing. 

"Hey! What was that for?" she protests.

" That's an awful song. Please refrain from songs that promote suicide." I advised.

" As if I give two shit what you think! " She shouts.

Ouch. Okay so she really was upset. " What's your problem?" I ask.

She frowns," I don't have a problem."

Yeah right and I'm a borderline medieval lesbian ." I'm no fool. A day ago you were leeching unto me begging me to kiss you now you're having a tantrum."

" Begging? You were the one who kissed me and decided that it meant nothing!"she shouts.

So that was it.

My words seemed to have bothered her so much. It was a test of course. Her kiss meant the most to me. I knew she wouldn't have known that I was her mate, she hadn't transformed into her beast as yet so there wasn't much she would know . It's a good way to test the love of another. Will she love me without the pull?

I knew that she liked me. She has to for her to get this upset.

" Great! Of all times you choose to be silent. I should have left the vampire man to kill you." She growls in anger.

She was ready pushing it!

Ignoring me is one thing but wishing me dead is another. I guess she didn't like me as much as I thought or at all.

My elation of being mates deflated. Imagine being mated to someone who wanted you dead. A mate will never wish harm to another.

Edward. She wanted Edward to finish me off.

"Well well well. " He tsk as he callously stalked towards me.

My insides were turning. I knew what was about the happen yet still I found myself pleading with the heavens that this wasn't true. That it was all just a terrible dream.

" Look. See how excited you are to see me. " He grins. " What tool would you like us to use today?"

It was if it was a game. Everyday he'd made me choose his weapon for the day and everyday I would choose a knife.

" You know what?" He says as he brought his hand to his chin." I think I'd choose today."

Immediately tears begun to run down my face. I would have screamed if I could but the large band of leather than covered my mouth prevented me from doing so.  I began tossing and flipping from side to side trying to escape the bondage but I was tied from neck to foot.

" Why don't we waken up these dry bones?"

I could see him walking towards the tap collecting some water no doubt to dash me with. This was the closest thing to a bathe I would receive. I held my breath ready for the litres of water that would soon be poured over my head. Last time he kept pouring for so long I almost drowned.

" You know you're so special to me," he grins. " This is why I created such a special room for you."

Edward was evil.

He went for another pail dashing the ice water on my naked body. " Nice, now we're all clean. Today, we'll be using this handsaw. It'll hurt a lot but the more pain the better. We love pain."

I knew he was going to choose something like that. Something that would leave a terrible scar. He got the saw from it's string and cane towards me with his favorite smile. " Now darling don't be scared, I won't mutilate you."

When the metal made contact with my skin an excruciating , numbing pain took over my body but the worst hasn't come. He sawed through my legs until I felt it hit my bones but by that time I couldn't feel a thing . I could only watch as he devoured my flesh.

I shuddered as I thought about it. Even gagged a bit. My mate, knowing of the treatment I received from this man, is wishing that I died in the hands of this man.

Surely I deserved better.

I should just go, leave her there whiles I go back to Vlad. After all my job for him was done. I can call it quits there.

But I didn't, I was too kind.

I parked in front of the airport, Vlad will take care of the vehicle. I got off, opened the back seat and took the two large bags filled with her stuff and mine. The Ophra Pod was in Acadia National Park, Maine.

" Where are we going? Why are we at the airport?" She asks and she followed me confused as ever but still I said nothing.




The end is near😭😭.   A

Fact of the day:  Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is a greenhouse gas found in fertilizers that destroys the ozone layer, which protects us from ultraviolet rays of the sun.

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