Chapter 19

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The Night Cliff Pack reminded me of the times when I was the leader of the Blue Moon Pack. Things were so organized and everyone seemed at peace. The children ran around in the grass while the adults worked. It was beautiful and brought great happiness to my wounded heart.

Maybe when this was all over I'll go back to Florida. My parents have been trying to get in contact with me for years. Eventually they stopped trying.
I prevented them from seeing her.

Everybody wanted to see the child of Laiah grow up. I held a picture in my palms. They looked so similar. Sachi was ligher but besides that she was a carbon copy of her mother. So much so that I was unable to see her as herself but as my long lost lover.

She'll be eighteen in two weeks. The age where she will transform into her true form and we might miss it.

Then again, it was a habit of ours, missing the important events.

We were the worst parents ever.

What have we done? When Sachi left us it was like a spell was broken and we were no longer in that trance. Nothing was more important that her. I wish we had acted on this way sooner.

I was supposed to be strong, I promised Laiah that I would be and now I failed them. I was a sorry excuse of an Alpha and I felt nothing but shame and disgust for myself. Each night that passed I stayed awake, praying to the Goddess that my little baby was okay and that one day she will forgive me.

" Give me one reason why I shouldn't slut your throat right here and now with this butter knife." Gem growled , eyes filled with hatred. I couldn't blame her. I deserved it.

" Calm down," the petite Alpha said. I saw Gem's eyes visibly soften as she looked at the man. This must have been her mate. I wish to congratulate her but I'm afraid of what she might do. My body has weakened due to the loss of my mate.

" My sister left you in charge of her family! She trusted you! I should have known better than to leave you with her! Where is my niece Aura?" She spat.

" I don't know. " I muttered ashamed.

" Exactly! You would have known if you weren't to busy ignoring her! Now she's alone on God knows where. Maybe shaken by the horrors of the world that you claimed to have protect her from. Laiah would have been ashamed! "

Every word coming from her mouth was true. She would have been so ashamed. I made no effort to defend myself.

" It should have been you in that portal. She's maybe alive somewhere maybe just as scared as her daughter but you not nearly as strong as her, your soul would have been sucked away and that can never be a bad thing." She growled.

Aera gasped holding her chest, wounded by her words but Gem was not done.

" As for you! You're just as bad as both of them! You do not deserve the honor of calling her your child. You were there when a restraining order was placed on me. Hell I almost went to jail for your lies. But when she gets back mark my words you will never see her face again."

" Enough!" The Alpha roared. " You. Go to the room. We will deal with your behavior later." He points to Gem. His mate obediently followed his words before spitting on the ground next to me. A clear sign of disrespect. Still I did nothing.

" And you," he points to me," get your shit together. You were meant to lead. I don't know what happened between you three but you need to fix it. This pack had enough drama."

Then he left no doubt to go to Gem.

Things were awkward. No one said a thing. In fact they all stiffed their face quickly to get off the table.

Aera soon began to sob loudly as she pounded her head on the table. I had no energy to comfort her. I know it was my job as mates but I couldn't bring myself to do it and I hated myself for that.

" It's your fault!" Aera shouts out of nowhere.

I was surprised, in fact outraged. " What do you mean? I understand if anyone else blame me but you? What good did you do? How did you help our daughter? I was responsible for you just as you were responsible for yourself but our daughter, that's on both of us. Don't try to exclude yourself from it. You are no better than I am." I growled.

" Sachi was your daughter. You and Laiah' s daughter. Not mine!"she shouts.

How dare she? Without thinking I leaped forward swinging my hands as far as I could before landing it on her cheeks. The sound echoed throughout the empty room. She cupped her face, cowering from me, sobbing into herself but I felt no pity.

" Unless you are able to come towards me and claim your fault then you are no mate of mine. If Laiah lives then there is hope. If she is dead, then we are no more. We will deal with this matter afterwards right now I want to find MY daughter. Stay out of my way." I growled with a new determination.

I was going to find my daughter. That was the plan either way. I was on my way to the Blue Moon Pack when I saw that her credit card was used in this area. I thought I was able to catch her in time but it seems like I was once again too late.

I was going to make things right! She was the only important thing. My love for Aera still exist but I was too old now for these petty misfits. When she is ready to act like an adult she then we will talk.

How dare she say Sachi was not hers?

What would Laiah say if she say us now?

I missed her. We all did. She would have done so much better. Without her, we are nothing, nothing makes sense.

I left the table, bouncing Roger in my way out. The disappointment in his eyes were too much to bare.

" Goddess please bring Laiah back to us." I heard him whispered.


" You know where she is. Tell us." He says. " You're her mother, you carried her for ages. You know where she is..even I know so I'm trying to understand what we're doing wasting time here. "

Roger as always been my rock, taking care of her when I was unable. I know where she was, i knew she would go back home." It's time to visit my parents."

I'm coming baby. Mama is coming.




What do y'all think? Should Aera die?

Fact of the day: Eating too much vitamins and minerals rarely does harm but eating too much vitamin A may be lethal. A group of fishermen once are the liver of a large halibut and died of vitamin A poisoning.

Food containing vitamin A includes:

Fish oils
Bell peppers
Leafy veggies like kale, spinach.

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