Chapter 20

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" Shush love. It's okay you really need to calm down." After fleeing Atara we stopped at a camping site where Clementine came whenever she needed the break from the vampires.  She wanted  to clean the blood off me and decided to come here because of the cute little pond there.It made the place look unreal as fireflies illuminated the land. No one else was here. She assured me that no one knew about this place. That seemed true,as the place looked untouched, uncorrupt by man. That only amplified it's beauty.

Maybe when this was over I could come back and visit this haven.

" Hey," she said trying to catch my attention.

" I don't want to talk about it." I said speaking for first time since the incident.

" I know but you have to face it.  Would you like to hear the story of my first kill." She offered.

" No."

" Great!" She says enthusiastically."I was twelve. It seemed like a normal day, everybody was happy. My mother was smiling. I left for school as I usually did on the large yellow school bus. Life was a dream. Until I came back home to find my mother with a gun in hand ready to end it all. I  panicked and rushed to her but she was  faster than I was. She shot herself from under her chin. Just like I saw in those movies."

She took a deep breath before continuing."  She fell to the floor, cradling her neck and blood oozed out of her wound. I knelt down trying to see how I could help her . Her trachea was exposed and crushed she was gasping for air as water poured out her eyes. There was no energy left to pick up the gun and try again.  There was nothing else left for me to do. I kissed her forehead , told her I loved her and shot her in her head. I can never forget how she looked at me. I hated myself for it, but I knew that she was at peace. The officers came, took her away. That same day I learnt that a Maxim George was freed from prison after twelve years. He was the rapist who impregnated my mother who then had me. I was no longer guilty. I helped set her free. It wasn't long before I found Maxim and ended his life with a blade. I can still see his face sometimes in my dreams."

That was the most horrendous thing I have ever heard. She was forced to see so many things that a person her age should never have to see.

" Now, I'm not telling you this for pity. I know that I'm strong for moving on but now I need you to find peace with your killing. If you had not done it, I would have been dead." She stated as a matter of fact.

" I'm happy I did." I whispered and I really was. Something tells me that losing her would have been the worst feeling.

" Good. Now let's get this filfy blood off you. I never like Xavier." She scoffed.

I killed a man named Xavier. " Why didn't you like him? And why didn't we knock on his door like what I did back in your clan?"

" Xavier is machinist pig! He kills and torture for absolute no reason and those that follows him are the same. I remember after running off into the woods how I stumbled upon him . He was stronger than I was and captured me, using me as his personal blood bank for years. That was until his daughter found out about his evil acts and sent me to her fiancè, leaving the pack herself. He hated me ever since. If we had knocked, it would have lead to the same thing." She explains.

" That's just awful. I'm sorry you had to grow through so much and here I am complaining of my rich parents ignoring me like the spoiled brat I was." I cried once again.

" It's alright Princess. I'm alive and that's all that matters. Now let me hear this water up for you." She says shifting me gently on a side as she got up from the bench we were sitting on.

She bend towards the ponds and placed her hands in the water, watching as it glowed read as she muttered a few words. Oh how lucky she was to have such power!

Wait...did she say she was free from prison for more than eighteen years ago? How old was this woman?

" I'm one hundred and seventy years old." She says as if reading my mind.

" A hundred and seventy? What the actual fuck!" I kissed a granny!

" Relax. This is the supernatural world. I'm young compared to the very few mages left who are over five hundred years and look younger than you. As cliche as it sounds, age is just a number."

She was right. I spent so many years in the human world  that I knew nothing of my culture." I'm sorry if I offended you." I whispered. " I'm just used to the human years."

" That fine. Are you strong enough to strip?" She asks.

" Ew no! I'm not having sex with you!" I gagged but deep down o really wanted to. I don't know what has gotten into me for the past days.

" I have no plans of having sex with you." She says seriously.

It was my turn to feel offended. Why would she kiss me then if she didn't want to have sex with me?" But you kissed me."

" And so what? It's just a kiss. I did it to calm you down , you were having a panic attack back there," She shrugged. " Now get in , before the water gets cold. I'll prepare a meal for you. I can't remember you eating for the day. "

My mood was now sour. I wanted to crawl in a hole and rot there. Why did I think that the kiss meant something. Surely she was hundred of years old, she had past lovers some of which who died. I was just a little girl in her eyes.

My eyes stungs as I fought the tears that was threatening to fall. Since when was I such a bitch? How could I like someone just after a day?

It was different with Iris, I knew him for years but even so my feelings for him week inferior to that of Clementine. Yet again she was a mage, the bitch probably put a spell on me.




Okay this is the last chapter for the night. Till tomorrow folks.

What do you think? Should Clementine be Sachi's mate? I'm secretly shipping them. 😭

Fact of the day: The small intestine absorbs about 5- 10 dm³ of water every day. As food passed along the colon, more water is absorbed into the blood.  So that's about 10,000 ml or 10 liters.

So drink your water, damnit! 🥱

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