Chapter 2

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I was supposed to be on my way to school by now but I couldn't seem to get up from the bed. It was impossible to get it off my mind.

How could I?

I've been hearing that name my entire life and it was becoming pretty irksome. Who was this Laiah?  Did this Laiah women do something terrible to them? Millions of pack members have died in the past and their loss never affected them like this so why was this one special. Maybe she was a sister?A past lover?

" Goddess Sachi Magestia Bakes! Why are you still on bed?" Maria the morning maid says as she entered the room.

Maria was a forty year old widow who worked with us for the past few years. She was a sweet plum, ginger with the best cooking skills. Maria had that motherly look and personality, always knowing how to make a person feel better.

"Love, is everything alright?" She asks concerned when she noticed that I haven't answered.

I wanted to tell her. I really did but Maria has enough trouble as it is,  raising five children on her own. The least I could do was lie to her," I'm fine. I stayed up a bit late last night watching Grey's Anatomy. I can't believe that Arizona cheated on Cally!"

" No! Why did you tell me? I haven't reached that episode as yet!" She shrieks blocking her ears in a childish way.

" Well you asked and I answered," I teased.

" That wasn't what I ask," she giggled," but enough with the spoilers. You need to hurry if you want to make it to second period. School is important my dear."

"Yes I know. If you had an education, you wouldn't be here." It was something she liked reminding me of.

"But I'm happy you're here,"I'd always answer. And I really was.

" You know me too well dear. Now get up!" She demands flicking me with the wash cloth she had in her hands.

"I'm up!"

Maria turned around, closing the door as she left.

I wasn't going to rush. I can't remember the last time I ever rushed to go somewhere, that's because I never did it. Even as a child, I'd take my time while everyone got excited, rushing to open to that Christmas gift or to see the apes at the zoo. I had unique behavior as child Roger would say.

Sigh. "I needed to get ready for school."

I finally moved from the comforts of my custom made bed. I already knew what I was going to wear. Leather jacket, a white vest and leather pants with my red bottoms. Nothing too fancy. I placed them on my bed and made way to my personal bathroom. It was noting too fancy with it's gold and grey theme. This was by far my favorite place in the entire house. It was the smallest in the house but somehow managed to make you feel smaller than the space. It was the place where I'd sit and process my deepest thoughts.

I stared at the inviting gold tipped toilet," there's no way I'm sitting on you buddy. I'll never make it to school."

I stepped into the tub deciding that it's best to take a shower. It didn't take long before I was done and dressed.

I grabbed my red side bag and slowly creeped out of the room. There was no way I'd make it out alive if Roger knew I was still here.  I peeked from the balcony searching for him. He's usually having breakfast at that time so maybe he's in the kitchen. He was no where to be seen so I was safe, I just needed to sonic boom to the door.




" Sachi? Why are you still here?"

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