Chapter 11

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At first I was angry; it wasn't like her to take off like that. I tried stopping her , even sent some guards to capture the emotional teen but she managed to get away.

Seconds turned to minutes.

Minutes turned to hours.

Suddenly it was day two and I became anxious.

Where was she?

I was expecting her back by then, thinking that she maybe went to our other mansion in the city. Although the idea seemed a bit off and nonsensical, some part of me hoped that she really was there. Unfortunately there was absolutely no trace of her, not even a whiff of her scent.

Goddess where was she she? Still the question remained unanswered. If I was worried before then there isn't a single word to describe the many emotions I feel now.





I'm aware of how stressful life can be as a teenager and with the things going on in her life no doubt made the situation worse.

Her absence wasn't easy to hide. Especially with Irid here. He saw when she ran away and I somehow had to convince that she went to steam off in our other house just like I told her parents. He was human and it made no sense to involve him in the supernatural world.

Although one way or another he was going to find out; I have the Goddess to blame for that.

" You okay Roggery?" It was a stupid nickname he came up with, claiming that it sounded better than Roger.

" Irid," I nodded.

"Is everything okay?" He asks concerned.

It was strange how quickly our bond was forming. He could sense my destress and unable to resist, he comes here to check up on me.

" I have an issue but I'm working on it." It made no sense to lie, he would have known instantly. Besides, I'm not too comfortable with lying.

" Oh," he frowns," Do you need help with it?"

He was so cute thinking that he could help me. I'm not going to feel better unless Sachi is here and protected. Her eighteenth birthday is coming up and I can't have a newly shift, vulnerable girl out there probably on her own.

Not my Sachi!

" Darling the only way you can help me is by keeping to yourself." I said as I was taking my exit.

" Well I'll be here. Just incase you need me." He says as he takes a seat on it couch.
I made no effort to reply as I continue on my way to the Alpha and Luna. It was time they stepped up as parents.

I almost felt bad for them. This week was there best week so far ; they were happy. More than I'd ever known they could be and I am a bit upset that Sachi isn't her to experience it.

It probably has something to do with the lie I told them three days ago. The idea of her When I sent the search group for her they came back saying that she escape out of the boarders.

These past week we've been working on finding her without alerting the other packs or her parents but it seems like we have no choice but to do that. I'm going to have to tell her parents and they're going to have to step up as parents and have a meeting with other pack members to find their daughter.

" Alpha," I greeted entering the room.

They stared at me a bit strangely as if they weren't expecting me to call her by her title.

" Roger."

" There is something I must tell you." I stated getting straight to the point " You're daughter Sachi is missing."

They stared at me blankly as if I hadn't said a word.

" I said you're daughter is missing and you're both here sitting still! Not one emotion on your face? Do you not care for her! Alpha Aura did your parents not raise you with love and respect? Luna Aera didn't your own family abuse you while growing up? Is this how you treat your only child? You think she deserves this! It's a shame and I'm disgusted with myself for putting up with your bullshit all these years!"

They were unbelievable! How dare they!

It was then I saw some emotions cross their faces. Aura wore one of anger and Aera was sorrowful. " How dare you talk to your Alpha in such a manner!"

I scoffed and I took a step closer to her," not only do you not have a pack, you no longer have a support system. You ran them off years ago with your foul treatment. Even your mother stopped visiting. Look at you. You are no Alpha. An alpha protects those close to them and all you've done is destroy her."

Aera gasped. " What have we done?"

" You've done enough. She ran away because of you. All she ever wanted was a mother's love. Laiah would be ashamed of you both."

Then realization hit. " Goddess. The questions. The book in her room. Her leaving."

This couldn't be good or maybe it was.

" What? What's wrong?" Aera asked panicked as I was.

" She went to your old pack to find Laiah. She's going to try to bring her back."


Fun fact: I'm the most promiscuous author on Wattpad. We were supposed to be done with this book ages ago but changed the plot and deleted already written chapters.🥲

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