Chapter 16

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" Darling come this way." He says as he leads me to a secret passage in the wall.

" I hope you're not trying to kill me." I couldn't see a thing!

" I have no intentions of killing you. Otherwise I would have done it as soon as you stepped through the door. " He laughs. " Besides, I wouldn't want to kill my mate's best friend."

Mate? I swear he said he didn't have a mate. " What?"

" Mousy is my mate. Of course it seems as if she is ignoring the bond. Maybe she will reject me." He sighs and he walked the dark alley.

" She won't reject you, Mousy always wanted a mate. In fact she fears that she will not notice her mate because of her wolf's absence." I stated.

I could not see him but from the tone he used I could tell that he was intrigued." She doesn't have her wolf?  Why?"

I wanted badly to explain to him his mate's condition but it was not my place to say." I've have said all what I need to. Your mate will let you know when the time is ready."

" How will she know if you doesn't have a wolf?" he hissed.

He had a right to be irritated. After waiting for decades in isolation he now found his mate but she didn't recognize him as such. To her, he was just the Elder.

" Hold on tight." He says as he handed me a rope.

I had no time to think as I descended into the darkness screaming as i went down.  Everything was spinning and I felt the skin on my hands bruising. This was not too good.

" Okay. Let me turn on the lights."
Soon after the room was illuminated and I could see my surroundings.

" All that for a conference room! With boring chairs and a wooden table! " I shouted as I stared at my blistered hands.

" Firstly, love that blood scent. Secondly, I'm sorry about that. Next time we will take the elevator."

There was an elevator! " Hurry show me what you brought me here for before I shove my fist down your throat!"

" Is that a threat." He smirked.

" Maybe it is. You ruined my hands!" And I'm not a full supernatural to heal on my own.

" Come here you big baby." He mocks as he picked up my palm and licked it.  His eyes flashed red as he cleaned the blood off my palm and I was slightly worried that he would just bite into my palm.

He didn't and finally released me. " There it should be good now."

It stung a little bit but it felt better. " It is. Now, about the Blue Moon Pack. "

" Ahh yes! After I loss my Maurice I became curious with the Blue Moon Pack. Why did the portal open there of all places? Why did Saka do it there?. Then I did some vigorous research back into Supernatural History and let me tell you. It was not easy to find. Luckily my parents taught me all I needed to know about trade." He says as he pushed the button in the center of the table.

The table folded and a new layer came to surface. There were maps, books, crystals and all other ancient looking things. " Wow."

" I know it's very beautiful."  He picked up of brown book and opened it and showed me a page.

The pain from my palms disappeared and the contents of that book became my main interest.

The Witch's Land

There were three, Sarah, Gandulf and Ruby.= No one knew where they were from or much about the past life but they were well known for their knowledge of dark power and the Gods. Although they were only three of them, the land went on for miles. That was until Gandulf fell in love with Orion a human boy whom she had ten children with. One by one the sisters wed, lengthening their power and family on their land, that stood between Glisten Pack and Amber Pack.

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