Chapter 17

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My body was bouncing up and down repeatedly. In fact everything was shaking. The door of the jeep was making a jagging sound and the vibration on the leather seats. I was definely moving. " Could you slow down! I'm trying to sleep!"  I groaned as I flipped myself to the side falling face first on the fluffy rug. " Ah!"

" Are you alright over there," a deep voice says.

I didn't know it was possible but I flew up on the floor hitting my head in the roof." Who the fuck are you?"

" Language babe," they tsked.

Babe? It took me a second to recover and I opened my eyes to see a strongly built blond male." Who are you?" I repeat.

" Nice to meet you, I'm Clementine." They smiled

" Are you male or female?" I asked wanting to clear up the gender conflict I had in mind.

" I'm intersex but I identify as female because of my vagina. " She states.

Intersex. I've read about that before. It was so odd to be born with both genders.

" Don't put that face on me. It's not my fault I'm this way. Personally I think it's great it matches my queer persona. Besides I like women so me having sperms is great! " She explains.

It was true. Usually the more dominant sex takes over I guess she got half and half. " Well I'm happy for you."

" You should be happy for us! We're going to have babies!" She squeals enthusiastically.

Babies?" Last time I checked you're not my mate. "

" How are you so sure?" She teases.

" I'm not." I admitted." Where are we? How did I even get on this vehicle? Where's Mousy?"

Everything came crashing down and suddenly I remember what occurred last night with Vlad. He was Mousy's mate and I left her in his care. Goddess I hope she forgives me.

And my parents! They had another mate, I have another parent and no one thought to tell me? And the pack! My parents pack was the Blue Moon Pack! And I-.

" Wow. Wow. Calm down love. You need to breathe!" I could hear Clementine faded voice in the background but I seemed to be lost in some kind of trance.

Why must my life be so complicated? Maybe I should call my parents and ask  about my other parent. Isura that was their name.

I've heard that name before. It was all to familiar.

"How did the Kings die? And the child what was it's name? " I ask curiously.

" No one knows for sure how they died but it was rumored that the Queen killed them herself. As for the child, his name was Isura."

Well fuck me! Could it be? Was Isura my mother's mate? It couldn't be a coincidence! I was the granddaughter of three kings? This also meant that my  grandmother was responsible for the loss of thousands of innocent lives?

Oh my Goodness!

It was getting harder to breathe. My throat was tightening and I found myself gasping for air. It was right then when I felt a pair of wet lips on mine.

My body stiffen at the sudden contact. I knew it was Clementine there was no other person here. Clementine was kissing me. She pulled on my lips, sucking on in a teasing manner.

I made no effort to push her off instead I leaned closer pushing her into me. My eyes were closed but I could almost see the look of triumph on her face.

I felt her tongue tickle my lower lip, silently begging for entrance so I did the unthinkable and open my mouth wide enough and finally taste the sweet liquid that glazed her tongue. Taste like peaches.

She released a deep throaty moan as her hands found the top of my shirt. Exposing my skin. Our tongue danced together in synchrony and I wanted to stay like this forever.

But she pulled back. I groaned in protest ready to pull her back into me. I've never felt so great before maybe I should have kissed a stranger sooner if it was going to be this great!" Why did you do that for?"

" There's always time for more but we need to get to Atara before 6pm when they awake from their slumber. " She says.

Stupid Atara Clan!

" Hey no need to pout!" She coos as she pinched my cheeks  playfully.

I didn't even realize that I was pouting. " I'm fine. Now hurry. It's time that I get this over with."

" Get what over with? "she asks as she hoped on the driver's seat taking off once again.

"Wait where are we?" I repeated ignoring her question. I was expecting to be on some paved street or on some highway. Instead I found myself in the middle of the forest. No wonder we were swaying so much. There was no road. Clementine was driving around the trees! " Are you crazy? Where is the road?"

" Calm down princess. I knew a short cut. Besides I'm not too familiar with the human world like you are."

Princess. Little did she know, I was actually a princess.

" You could have just woken me up! "

" And why would I disturb such a beautiful woman's slumber." She teases.

My hands immediately flew to my face as I felt my face heating up. I was used to compliments but hers felt different. " Whatever." I muttered lamely.

She there her head back in laughter. This was a mistake as the wheels slip of her fingers and the jeep slammed into a tree, flying me to the side. I felt my head knock on the edge of the door and instantly warm liquid dripped down my face. I didn't have to see it to know that it was blood.

" Shit! I'm so sorry!" I heard her shout.

That bitch! " Are you trying to kill me?"

" I wouldn't dream of it princess. Are you okay? Are you bleeding? I smell blood. This can't be good." She rants.

" Just get me the fuck out of here before I stab you with this chunk of wood that nearly pierced through my god damn chest!"



Most times I will paraphrase information I found in books, other times I just take it as is.  With that being said ..

Fact of the day: The gonorrheoea bacterium had become resistant to many antibiotics, which are be useless for treating some cases. Experts have warned that soon the bacterium will be resistant to all suitable antibiotics and cases will go untreated.

So use protection guys!

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