Chapter 1

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 The alarm went off for the third time that morning , I rolled over and hit it off and stared at the ceiling. This week and the week before had been hectic I had a very busy schedule and more schedule I could imagine my manager's voice saying "Avery , this week you have to visit this and that grant that interview, fly out and go to a talk show and a couple of interviews and photo-shoots.

Remembering that I cringed and stood up from the bed and stared at the view outside my beautiful apartment with a swimming pool overlooking the horizon, I smiled " damn! This is the life".

The sound of my phone buzzing got my attention and I went to pick the call and was greeted by manager James's boomingvoice

" Avery! Where have you have been? Why are you not picking your calls ! damn it"

I winced at the voice because James rarely ever swore or cuzz at anybody so something must be up. '' I just woke up James

" You just woke up! At 12pm, for crying out Avery I told you , you were supposed to appear on '' Sally Dorton Show".

I panicked " I remember but that's by 2pm and not now right?

The words that followed ,James was cursing and saying all bad things I know he would and I patiently waited for him to finish

"Am sending the stylist to you, get ready'' and the line went off.

I just sprinted off to the bathroom as fast as my legs could carry me, I had already finishing showering and was even taking my tea when the stylist arrived with my manager who didn't even say a word to me.

I literally submitted myself to the stylist and her crew to make me beautiful. She was an Asian and very pretty. As she was doing my hair, her girls was doing my nails and laying out my dresses while I could hear my Manager talking on the phone. Few minutes they were finished and I stared at the mirror I was dressed in a white flare dress that was embroshiered with beads at the waistline , off hand with white net materials as the hands it was long lenghth no matter what I never agree to wear clothes that show my arms it must be long arm length and my natural hair was packed in a bun and styled with white headband I was looking like a Barbie princess I could not help myself that I had to twirl around in front of the mirror and I giggled.

" Avery, the car is here let's go", James snapped.

I hurriedly took my purse, mouthed a thank you to the stylists and went out of the door with James.

When we entered the elevator he handed me a paper " schedule for next week"

I just shoved the paper into my bag.

" You had better read it and go through it so as to avoid situations like this, we are currently five minutes late to the show and after that show the photoshoot.

My eyes widened "Today is also THE Photo-shoot

He glared at me " It is not the one with Tiffany collection , this one is with Vogue.

I gasped.

He burst out laughing " Oh you should have seen your face ,its Wells.

I just glared at him and muttered "stupid" and the elevator door zinged and we came out of the elevator and as soon as we opened the door we were accosted with swarms of paparazzi and fans who had been waiting.

As my security and bodyguards tried to get me into the car. A reporter just put her microphone in my face and asked me.'' Avery is it true is the rumors true?

I was gobsmacked " what Rumor?.

That I didn't get an answer as I was whisked away into the car and to my annoyance James didn't enter the car with so that I could ask him what the rumor was. Out of curiorsity I had to open my phone to check the trending news, staring at my face was a picture of me hugging Kim Yoon Gi.

Gossip News

Kim Yoon Gi is dating Avery.

Popular south-korean actor was seen hugging Avery Sinclaire,

And the duo was seen having lunch at the Finstso, hugging and laughing! What could this mean!except that they are dating.

I gasped at the news like what the hell, I am not dating Kim, he was just a friend he had read one of my books and had reached out that he wanted to make it into a Korean movie , he was in town and asked that we hang out. I was about to drop my phone but I decided to go through the comments

Ø Lisa brooke: wow,they look good together

v Ghstbarbie: I pray that Avery's book " Weeping willow" be made into a K-drama.

Milo2mil: oh please! Kim can't date her, she is black for chrissake! She should leave my Oppa. He is not dating her they are just friends#eyesroll#

o Rjsjjvj: yay! Love is in the air and they compliment each other.

The comment section was a bliss, I had no choice but to keep scrolling down but not still nursing a thought about me being black and that I cant date Kim of course I am not dating him,but I wont date him its not like I don't like Korean men! Damn I have had my own share of K-drama and K-pop but Kim is in a serious relationship and has kept it secret, I wonder what these news would cause him , but oh well that's why we are celebrities and I kept wondering why James didn't tell me ,probably thought I knew and why I have I not seen MJ since morning. MJ is my personal assistant.i guess maybe she was waiting for me at the station because she left very late last night as she had read my schedules and of course left the vacation packages paert I asked her to check out. My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened "Ma'am we are here

"Oh," I said and held the hand my bodyguard held out for me as I came down from the car. The screams and shouts from the small crowd of my fans who had come for the show. I just bowed to them,( I had watched enough asian movies to know bowing down means respect ) And I waved to them as I was ushered into the building. I was ushered into a dressing room

" we are about to go to commercial, so the next sign is your turn to come up, let me get the makeup artist to tidy your makeup", the director told me and left. The door opened and my Personal Assistant MJ walked in, she was pretty redhead very petite and very hot tempered and I like her for that because she was the one always dealing with the critics for me.

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