Chapter 27

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To say that I was not moved or fixated about what had happened was the understatement of the century.this Colin of a guy have been proving so stubborn I didn't even know why he chose to attack me ..I had first  wanted to pay him off but he seemed very disturb and to make matters the documents and files and even photos he had of me and the members of The ORder was so indicting that if that leaked out to the public: I had to do a collateral damage after asking the henchmen to ransack and collect every thing and destroy it, although I didn't give them the go- ahead to kill him, the men said that Colin put up a brave front that in process of roughing him up that Colin slumped and before they could say Jack ! He was dead so they had to come up with Plan B: me I didn't care just that I wanted him stopped by all means.
Shedding of blood has become a norm for me that I felt nothing.

Justin dropped the call; he paused and wondered what this people was going to do to cover up the truth..of course in the line of this kind of work that they do :
" Am more of A van Helsing in all this! Colin is dead wow! ...
He knew he needed to do something if possible make them pay for their sins..
He took his bag and went to enter taxi..
Arriving to Colin's house he met his widow and two kids.
" Caroline stop crying it's going to okay" he said consoling her.
She sniffed " Colin was a good man.and a good father who would have done this to him" she cried.
He patted her.
" He gave me a USB file to give to you..he said I should keep it for you it was if he knew he was going to die.
Justin spent the whole night going through everything and stuff..

I didn't know what was going on..but I was feeling horny looking around I saw the lingerie that a brand gifted me I decided to wear it and try it out .it was beautiful and I liked it..I heard a tap on my door.
" Come in" I said folding my hands over my breast hoping that it will Tia at the door.
Sarvey walked in and looked at me from head to toe.
" What is it! You are back early" I said going to sit on my bed.
He folded his shirt sleeves "well the dead man do you have anything to do with it.
" It was a mistake but it had to be sorted out
" Hmm, next time I want you to run things by me, so as such mistakes should not occur
" Okay your lord" I smirked
" What's that!.
" Nothing, I have heard you and run anything by you
He glared at me " what exactly are you wearing , are u trying to seduce won't I said I won't sleep with you again , the main goal have been achieved" he retorted and left..

We were in the limousine driving to the event...Sarvey was seated next to me making a phone call and I sat rigid thinking about what had happened yesterday we were attending the FANNE awards..they have invited us : he was a recipient of the award..
I stared at him he was just making his call and I wished I could strangle him to death..but why do I care, this marriage has been a sham before and worse none of us can get out of it! I am pregnant and all I need to do is to take care of myself and focus on my child and what the fuck! He was making the stupid assumption that I wanted him to continue to sleep with me like wtf!
We have arrived and I could see the driver coming out to open the door.
Putting his phone away " We have to be all smiles " he said then taking my arm.we came down from the car.the flash of camera lights was almost blinding me and I had to force a smile.
Calls of "The Sarvey couple!
Avery your dress is beautiful!
Please pose for the camera!
" You guys look so adorable!
"The perfect couple.
We walked to center and posed for pictures , me with a fake smile on my lips.i waved then after some minutes we were ushered into the venue . I had to zone out as the awards and proceedings went on then pretended to smile and clap when Sarvey was called up to take his award and I almost cringed when I heard him say
" Thank you very much everyone! I dedicate this award to my beautiful wife Avery for being my support and everything thanks babe.
I faked a smile and blew him a kiss as the light centered on me  what a load of rubbish I thought.
As we mingled with the guests and stuff we even saw some of our members in the ORDEr had some chit chat
" oh my GoD! It's Avery sinclaire!.
I turned and I saw two teenage girls running towards me .
" Am one of your biggest fans" they chirped.
And for the first time that day..I smiled genuinely.
" Can we have your autograph I have read all your books and please when is the next book coming out".
Smiling then taking the paper she gave me to sign on " Hahaha! Am still working on it and thank you for loving my books so who should I sign this for?
"Danielle and Sarah! Ma'am"
I smiled and then wrote my signature.
" Babe, so sorry to disrupt your fan service but we have got to go" Sarvey appeared by my side .
" Wow, you guys are so perfect! I wish to be a writer like you..and probably fall in love with a handsome man like him" the youngest of the girls said.
Sarvey burst out laughing " well good luck with that
I was like sweetie not all that glitters is gold! Don't ply the path I took!
" Well hopefully some day you will meet the perfect man for you okay someone who will love you geniunely.." I said then tucking my arm into Sarvey's I waved the girls bye and we walked away back to our sham of marriage.

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