Chapter 29

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             A week Earlier( before Colin's murder)
" so what did you find out" Colin asked
"Well with all I found out I think I have to go close to them : probably befriend one of them or make a statement of wanting to joining the ORDer..
Colinlaughed" The order chooses you not you choosing The Order except for certain exceptions , you are definitely going to get killed if u what's plan B... because I want to expose them for Molly's and Ryan's death.
Justin looked at him" hope you know they won't get punished the law is solidly behind them..let's hope that one of them is going to tow the path that Ryan did so as to give us the exclusive.
Colin gaped at him" what? You mean like get fed up and stuff, I don't think they have time for wimps like that,you saw the way Ryan ended, he even made a confession that they released demons to plague and torment those who left or if you disobeyed so I don't really think, all though....
" Yes that's the only way,and trust me this is not something like vampires or werewolves that require cross,stakes and silver bullets, these people feed on blood they communicate with the devil himself! So we better tread carefully.. .

I jerked up wide awake I was having a severe pain at my waist: I panicked but the pain subsided but came back with full stomach was in as if the baby was pressing his hands on my belly..I let out a scream but no sound came out..I was in a trance...I saw my body struggling then smoke came out from the ceiling and seeped into my stomach and I coughed out blood...what was going on..then the pain stopped and I stood up and ran out probably: that I headed into Sarvey who have been coming out of his room
" Watch where you going" he said " why are you bleeding".. I had no choice than to tell him he held my hand and went to my room, he was looking around if he will see anything but I was afraid to even enter with him.
" Well, someone paid you a visit"
" Who" I said wiping my mouth
He smiled didn't say anything and left the room leaving me bewildered.
After that incident that day, I started having stupid infact one kind of weird craving  Anytime I eat normal food I will vomit it out and my stomach will keep hurting me .I had to go on days without food only water..
Visiting the hospital the doctor told me that I was expecting twins..I was so happy it was two boys: due to the Grandmaster instructions he insisted that I register at one of the members hospital so that they could keep an eye on me..
So that day, I was opening a parcel with a penknife when I felt that sharp pain then I mistakenly cut myself then I winced and put my finger inside my mouth,licking my blood...a kind of quiet and soothing feeling came over me I felt so elevated like never before .the pain stopped immediately.
" Your children are no ordinary children so you have to feed on blood" the mirror said as I went to it to seek answers.
" Blood as in.....drink blood!" I deadpanned.
My reflection sneered " Yes, blood either to keep up or they will die and trust me if anything happens to those children due to your negligence the master will not forgive infact he is going to bring your torment tent times faster than ever!
" I cant kill people..
" Sometimes I wonder what you think at times,get a blood bank seller or worse! You can perform rituals here ..
" Blood seller !
" Whatever! But know this you shall crave for this and if you don't take it...

I had turn to vampire overnight literally everyday I could drink three to four pints of blood.and the more I drink the more I wanted more it was so exhilarating..I was becoming fresh and fresher everyday..the quest of power was going into my head..I was the chosen one...slowly I could feel my human nature slipping away..I talked to people any how I liked and the way I deemed fit...and thankfully the media attributed it to " pregnancy cravings".. I just could not wait to give birth and rest from this blood fest..

It was almost the seventh month and I was so happy that finally that I will having my twins too..Lizzy had insisted that she will be in charge of organizing  the baby shower .
Slowly I started noticing something to on Lizzy's part she was slowly turning to druggie: even cocaine anything she even said at times she could not sleep that she could hear the voices of men laughing at her..her eyes were sunken in and she was a shadow of herself and worse another artist had been signed to the record label now everybody focused on the new artist ; Elizabeth kept complaining about being abandoned
" what of if everybody forgets about me" she said peering into my eyes.
" No one will...I thought you wanted some space .
" No..I want to remain the queen and no one will take that spotlight if it means sacrificing my whole village for it" she said
" is the stuff with Richard going.
" Pfft...Richard cannot have children that's his own punishment from the order.
I cringed " so what are you going to do now..
She cackled " look for an alternative I just have this urge to have a child and have it. Fast!
I adjusted myself on the chair" wow if it was that fast and easy..
She smirked " I bought a helicopter so I want to take flying lessons tomorrow you want to come..
" No, thank you! I have a business meeting tomorrow.. the estate company that I want to liase with : I told you about my real estate..I want  to buy lands,build houses then sell at a higher price also buy houses n sell it..
" Nice business ! But we will be having a nice baby shower in one of your husband's hotel so you need to inform him...
I rolled my eyes...
" I don't want anything from him as long he is just interested in the babies so I will focus
" Are you guys still not ...
" The hatred that I have for him is beyond immeasurable ..
Lizzy laughed" wow! But you knew this was not exactly a love match so why are you disturbed
I groaned " you should know that I am a romantic at heart don't get me wrong I don't love him but it's been months I had sex Lizzy I am a human yeah forget I got married a virgin and stuff
Lighting up a cigarette" it is simple Avy..simple like what the order said you two can have extra- marital affairs !
I stopped what I was doing and peered at her " You say...
" If you are horny, Avery sinclaire Sarvey get yourself a toyboy .you are wealthy !
" Eh?
" Yes ,so many married women do it just like the way Men have side chicks and Mistresses , even some female members of the order do have, take example Lily the supermodel we all know she is married to a 78 year old man who obviously we know can't perform and there is a RUmor that the daughter she had for him isn't really his: so what's the big deal you should keep the atom of decency out have that in your mind" she said puffing out smoke.
I laughed " of course I know but obviously I am Pregnant and won't it be .
" I read somewhere that pregnant women needs to be  laid more than ever...
" Lizzy!" I fake shrieked. .
" Hahahaha..have fun  Avery the money is there and nobody will care.. and lest I forget have you heard the latest gist or let's say the latest blog gist.
" What about?
" My P.A showed it to this morning that in the blog or rather they were hinting that we are lesbians.
I burst out laughing" Excuse me!.
She gave me her phone
" The uncanny and seemingly relationship between Lizzie Arden the superstar and award winning singer and of course the billionaire wife-writer Avery sinclaire-Sarvey seems to be off, they seemed to be tied together at the hip although even when the former was unknown there seemed to be no relationship between them before, but you could see each other at other events, holding hands and gisting although we have stated this to be " best friends syndrome" but a source close to us have said that there seems to be more than what the celebrities are having more of a relationship as the singer have shown support to those who have same sex relations" What! " I laughed and gave her back her phone " what load of crap...
She smiled " it's so funny this blogs and social media could carry anyway we are celebrities so we kinda pay their bills.
" Hahahaha!" I laughed " just imagine being asked this in an interview or stuff I will burst out laughing..why will I be sleeping with a woman more or less my best friend ...
Lizzie smirked but that smile faded from her eyes.
" What is it this time"
" Nothing just a little tired ,
" If you seem to be over working yourself just take a long rest.
" I wish I could,. Am about to release a new album,been working my butt out on it, and also am to headline a big concert one of my best pals asked me just that as that and my schedule is so full and....
" Well so sorry but seriously your drug use is getting much hope it won't affect you Lizzie I hate to see you turn a druggie.
She laughed" cigarettes and drugs are the dopest they take you to cloud 9 you should try some.
" you..but instead of this just take a need to be mentally strong and sane to be ..
She laughed and threw the cigarette away " yes ma".

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