Chapter 10

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Elizabeth Eden banged the door as she went outside; this was her third job interview she going for and she have been rejected thrice. She checked her pocket and it was the money for her bus fare back to her apartment and to make matters worse she was hungry. She stared at the busy road as pedestrians and cars passed everyone were busy going on their way, nobody was bothered about the slightly fat girl who stood on the walkway looking helpless.

Elizabeth was from a small-town from the English islands, her parents were poor, her father was the village shoe cobbler while her mother was just a mere house-wife, she had five other siblings and she had saved enough money to come to the big city to stay with her friend Emily who had told her that there were good opportunities in the city but she had thought that it was a joy ride 6that once she comes there things will fall in place for her but reality hit hard.

There was a café opposite the opposite the walk away, she was complementing eating and walking home or going home and not meeting any food at home because Emily was not around, she was the one currently working she worked in a hotel as housekeeper and she has not returned yet.

She swallowed, at the other side was a guy playing a guitar and she thought of an idea and she went to meet him.

"Hi," she said to him wondering where she got her boldness to approach a total stranger

He looked up .

"Um, am sorry to bother you but I was wondering.

"I don't have any money to give you, as you can see I have been playing for a while and all I have received is just few coins and a dollar.

"Exactly, as you can see, I can sing and I want to sing then whatever money we make we can split it. I don't mind you can take the biggest share all I want is just to get something to eat.

He looked at her quizzically "how good are you? How good are your notes?

Elizabeth did a doo-ri-me-fa-la-so-do note for him, he seems impressed and agreed.

"So what song do you want us to do"

" Adele " someone like you".

About few minutes later she had sang her favorite song and that had gathered people with her melodious voice, of course she had a beautiful voice, was the best singer in her village .

"Wow! You are very good", Jeff the guitar guy praised her, the money they had gotten was over a 200 dollars and he gave her 100 dollars. "We should do this often"

She smiled "Am sorry, but I don't stay around here, I came to run an errand, it was nice meeting you Jeff''.

She ran to the café as fast as her little strength can carry her and the waitress there was nice to her.

" what can I get you"

" I want bacon, eggs, toast like four plates please and orange juice"

The waitress just wrote it that and was not even about to ask how a young girl finish such big plate of food she just took the order and walked away.

Elizabeth's stomach grumbled at the excitement of the food in front of her, she knows that with this food she won't eat anything again till Emily returns and with the little change she had she will go job-hunting the next day.

" Wow! For a young girl you eat a lot for someone your age.

She looked up and saw a man.

She frowned "Excuse me but am eating here if you want to make fun of my weight please go away.

The man smiled "No, I don't want to make fun of your weight, I was amazed at your eating abilities I can't even finish a plate. Can I sit with you?

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