Chapter 30..

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I had a long day and was very tired and I just flopped on the chair in the sitting room as one of the staff came to carry my bag my phone was ringing continuously. Sprawled on the chair
" Ma'am your phone is ringing .
I tsked " who could that be for chrissake!
" Ma' am it is not saved" she said handing me the phone
Picking up the phone " Hello" I answered grudgingly I didn't even check or even read the caller all I wanted to rest" Yes, this is she" I rolled my eyes inwardly thinking it better not be an annoying reporter calling me of course some articles had showed pictures of Sarvey hanging out with his ex-wife Petra and you know as usual the reporters would be calling to know my side if I would divorce or stuff petty poke-nosers..
Then the news came, I flinged my phone as if It was on fire! The caller on the other side could be heard saying " Avery, hello are you there?
Blood was rushing through my head, I just stood up and went to look for the Tv remote and put the tv on ..
" This is breaking news we are announcing the death of Elizabeth Arden the popular pop singer who died this morning as of 2am but details are sketchy although her company have confirmed the report that the golden singer is dead and we have not been told cause of death but we will keep you all abreast of what is going on,it's a sad thing,one of the best has just passed on  heaven has gained a singing angel..
I was just gaping at the TV, seeing nothing,Lizzy had travelled for a tour to promote her newest album and although I spoke to her two days ago,. Why did no one tell me ?I couldn't think and the next thing I let out a deafening scream and fainted.

Here lies a daughter, friend, sister
The golden voice, the ⭐ star of all stars.
Elizabeth Arden

I stood reading the tombstone : this past few days have been hell for me, my grief eversince I was born till then I have not cried or wept over someone's death not even Kylie's the way I did over Elizabeth's she had been a friend a back bone..close to the funeral she was interred her fans lots of them stood outside crying and holding her placards and flowers just to say their final goodbyes. I was beyond consolable : as soon as I saw Richard I went into his arms and cried my heart out, I could hear him sniffing too..
Elizabeth had overdosed on her sleeping drugs, she was supposed to take three she took seven according to her P.A Elizabeth had complained about incessant headaches and had some funny behavior she was talking to herself she had been found dead in her hotel room that morning: the wail of grief everywhere and to make the matters worse there was Defitee:( this was a spirit that feeds on people's grief the more the grieving the more it feeds)..infact everybody felt the death of Elizabeth but I felt it the more was even surprised that James showed up for the funeral and of course Sarvey kept glaring at him when he came over to greet us..
My friend was in that black coffin sealed up, never to be seen again, members of the order were there to pay their last respects, my hands were cold and I cried bitterly why did she have to die not now!
since we were initated the same day Richard and I had to go to the altar to break any chain that had bound us and Elizabeth: he loosed the chain then invoked Elizabeth's spirit , I saw her, I had to hold in my tears, she just looked different soulless as if she was never a human she was just there she was looking at us with shrunken eyes, loosing the chains,her spirit vanished with a puff of smoke ..when I got home ..I cried and cried, and do you know the greatest part of it all..the Order had a hand in Elizabeth's death..She had threatened Larry that if he doesn't focus on her and her career alone and stuff that she was going to expose him to the whole world that he was an evil man and that the new artist he was working on that she will tell him the truth: And to be sincere Elizabeth was really losing it, a question of Mental sanity was in vogue plus the drugs and of course Larry had no choice...all this I got to find out from Sarvey...
I cried: I remember seeing her family for the first time during the funeral,I could remember seeing her lying on the coffin looking beautiful as if she was dear Elizabeth gone!she never got the chance to have her own child..I winced in pain as I remembered everything who was I going to confide in or talk to...
From that day I had a total distaste and hatred for Larry..I didn't even disclose anything to Richard..Sarvey made me swear not to say anything even if Richard finds out by himself...that was not even the shocking part I found out that Richard was bisexual he was sleeping with both genders...I was so afraid was this a repacaution for all the Evil but we were not the only ones in the Order.
All I just knew that : I was going to be loyal and remain..I don't want to die yet I am still young.
That Night Kylie appeared to me again infact he appeared twice and for the first time he spoke
" Do you think this is the life" the ghost asked me .
I gathered courage " Am sorry it ended like this, I didn't have a choice am sorry Kylie
The ghost cackled" You will pay for this " then screamed a shrill sound
I had to hold my ears soon as it stopped then ran to the mirror.
" You told me that if I give u a child's blood that he will stop coming " I shrieked at the mirror.
" I only said for a matter of time I didn't say forever" my reflection smirked at me
" What ! That's not what you said, you decieved me!
" Oh puhlease Avery that's life a little deceit here n there won't kill anybody will it !
I heaved in frustration" what are you talking about!
" It's going to ever be a long stand of blood sacrifices..
" I will never sacrifice anybody again to you
" Suit yourself! But mind you! Not only will u not see ghosts but you will see demons hahhahhhhahh
Out of anger I stamped my hand on the mirror! And there was a little crack on the mirror .
" Ouch" I said holding my arm,on my arm was a little but deep welt on it.
" Hahhhhha! Be careful now! The mirror is you, you are me, anything you do you do to me you get it..
I fell down on the ground and cried infact I sobbed like a baby tired I just lost a dear friend and now this I didn't plan for this " I wailed,I cried till I fell asleep there

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