Chapter 16

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The eerie sound that was coming out of the room was more than what Sarvey can bear but he braced up and opened the door and entered. The room was pitch black with red background if it was not dark, you will see that it was sparsely decorated,

" You are here", a shrill voice said.

Sarvey bowed his head and tried to avoid eye contact with whoever that was talking. "My lord.

" I was impressed with the new intiatee, although I learned that you didn't rope the person you were supposed to bring in.

" The first mortal beat him to it" another voice said.

Sarvey knew damn well to shut his mouth up, these were the top in the confraternity, you don't speak unless you are spoken to, in the outside world they would look like humans but on the outside they were totally blood suckers demons in human flesh.

" the next blood moon which is in 3 years time, the master will appear and from what we see, Avery is very much fits in his plans, both of you especially. I see Avery as someone who will serve us if possible take over from us when we leave.

" Leave?' another voice interjected " I am already damned,and there is no way I am ready to go back to that burning fire , not anytime soon, oour work here cant be done yet, we are yet to deceive mankind or are we done yet? Am not done with my fill of blood and of course Sarvey the last sacrifice you presented was not really worthy, it was a waste of my tastebud, I know you always bring the freshest but I will let this one slide. You know you remind of master, you want to dominate, have everything you want everyone to worship but hope you know those can only happen on earth, in the aafterlife, you get paid by your sins.

"That's for my spirit to suffer that, Flesh has to be satisfied before the soul, I am aware of my fate. I am going to be a king in hell so let me enjoy the ride." Sarvey replied.

The three of them looked at him and nodded appreciatively.

" We called you here because we have something for you to do or rather something you must do.


I had just got off the phone with my editor who had in the first time we have been working together said the manuscript that I sent her was the best she had ever read, that she was really proud of me and had been praying for a comeback. I smirked and started counting the dollars in my brain, already planning and stuff if anyone could hear me talking will think that I have never ever counted a million dollars before. I twirled around in my sitting room. My phone was ringing and I picked up it, it was my mom.

" Hi, mom", I replied happily ,its being long that I spoke with her but she was not sounding okay on the phone " Mom What's wrong, why are you crying" I asked panicking.

The next thing my mom said made me scream, all I knew was that I fainted.

The sky was heavy and dark and it was raining heavily, it was if the sky was crying with us as we finally laid Kylie Sinclair to rest. Everywhere was moody I was the only one without an umbrella and I refused one when it was offered to me. The rain was washing away my tears, My brother the only brother I have and ever have is dead and he was buried. Kylie had issues with one of his team mates Nick. Nick had come to school with his Father's gun to threaten Kylie but accidentally shot him. I cried my eyes out my sweet innocent brother, Elizabeth and Richard was there to console me so they say but my parents were heartbroken especially my mom, it took her all her willpower to call me that day to tell me. My dad on the other hand is currently in the hospital his heart could not take the news. I don't know how long I have been standing there until my Sister tapped my hand.

"Sis lets go" she said in a broken voice she was dressed in black just as I was and wearing black sunglasses.

I dropped my flower on his grave and inwardly promising to make sure his killer gets punished. I walked hand in hand with my sister as we got to where the cars was parked, some of the guests were already leaving but Elizabeth and Richard was waiting by their cars for me to come up with their body guards at their tow.

"Why don't you go with the other car, I will come after I want to talk to my friends" I told my sister and she obliged.

" Am so sorry for your loss. " Elizabeth said

I nodded, A although since the news broke out, Elizabeth had been at my side Richard only called .

" Are you ok? Richard asked me looking at his wristwatch

" I will be fine

Its been three days after my brother had been buried I had to fly back because I had a call from my editor , my book "ILLUSIONS" which I had submitted to her was ready to be published and I was so conscious about printing many copies so as to what happened before not to repeat itself. One week later it was sold out and there was so many orders for a reprint. The calls and stuff before the weekend " ILLUSIONS' pulled in the total of 87 million dollars just on hardbacks not on the E-books yet

I was beyond happy but I didnt want to celebrate, my family is supposed to be celebrating with me but now everyone is mourning my brother's death. Even me myself. I went to the mirror I wanted to feel that special feeling, I caressed the mirror as I did before.

" You should be smiling not crying your heart desires are gradually coming to pass,it has been what you wanted" The mirror said

" I know but the sadness is there. I cant believe my brother is gone.

" Oh Please cheer up, you knew what was going happen you choose this path. Your brother was just a part of the sacrifices that will come up in the future.

" What did you say? Am sorry wait what did you say?

" Your brother was your first sacrifice, every initiate sacrifice will be chosen by the order then the rest of the sacrifices you will choose them willingly , the first sacrifice must be someone you love dearly it could have been parents or even a whole full family.

I was mortified " Are you saying that the THE ORDER had something to do with my brother's death? How?

" You have to make a blood sacrifice so as to open the door of riches, and he is the only one close to your heart and you were the one who chose him.

" What????? I did no such thing I will never kill or harm my brother" I screamed.

" Well, see for yourself" the mirror said and it showed me lying down on my bed there was a figure standing over my bed it was dressed in red I could see it was gewsturing its hands and me I was saying " Kylie". I was shocked I had to hold my mouth and the next phase was the red figure standing in Nick's room.

I could not watch anymore, I crumbled on the ground.

" You were asked who was dear to your heart and answered so that's your first sacrifice.

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