Chapter 15

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Elizabeth stared at her body in the mirror that morning, seeing the marks and scratches again, she had that dream or rather reality that Demon had visited her again and it had violated her again, her thighs was marked red with scratches . looking dishelleved in the mirror, it's been three months since the initation, and she noticed he only visited once in a month. She entered the bathroom and scrubbed herself clean.

Like Larry said, things went up as expected, she was going on a world tour and she outsold the "Morty center" the biggest event center in the world. That pulled in over 400 million dollars on that event. Any where she go she was the face, people, fans everybody wanted to see her, she even had a fan club , big modeling agencies were calling her to model infact her schedule was full, from here to here.out in the world every young girl wished to be like her, but behind the smile, Elizabeth was empty it was if this was not what she wanted. She even gets mobbed everywhere, they want her pictures of the golden voice. The doorbell rang and she could hear the voice of housekeeper speaking to whomever was at the door.

Her bedroom door, it was her P.A.

" good morning ma, please get ready, we have a function to be at ma" she said, and left. Elizabeth glared at her retreating back and didn't even want to stand up from the bed to go anywhere but Larry had said something about a meeting. She groaned and rolled on the door, she was a multi-billionaire here she was controlled by her boss and her own P.A.


I had been informed of a meeting , the meeting of the trio the three of us who were initated the same day. The most eldest of us had to pick a place where we would meet and the oldest was Richard just one year older, he had chosen a vineyard somewhere I have no idea. i just came down from my car and I saw a limousine pulled up it was that singer Elizabeth, her bodyguards had come down to open the door, I was so jealous what's the fuss I inwardly noted to increase my own security detail as soon as I leave here, I have been working on a book, James says that could be the masterpiece. I nodded my head at the usher who was directing me to where I would sit. I took a seat a little far away from Elizabeth, who was glamorously dressed and I looked at my own clothes although they were brand designers but it looked like rags compared to hers. But when was the money coming I mused, it's been three months, James said I should be patient! Patient but others were already flexing their wealth, he had said things like this took time. I was interrupted when Richard walked in, with enough daylight I could actually see that he was really handsome, tall and very handsome.

" Sorry for keeping you guys for long" he apologized.

God he was so handsome that I could not even say anything only Elizabeth nswered

" I guess you know we are gathered here, since the initiation we are to have our meetings, form friendship and stuff we were told.I am Richard, an actor.

" I have seen your movies, they are so good" Elizabeth said, sipping her drink.

" I must say that your voice is so melodious, I listen to your songs very good". He replied.

Both of them turned to me as I have been quiet since and didn't want to part of it anyway.

" so Avery what exactly do you do?

" I am writer, you probably read my book " the weeping willow".

" Not really, am not really a book person" he replied going to take a seat close to Elizabeth

I swore inwardly, am definitely going to hate this Richard.

Elizabeth said " my friend Emily loved your books, although I do see the book in our room then I never had time to read it but she kept taling about you.

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