Chapter 9

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My book " Choices" that I had published did so badly infact on the scale of 1-10 as the Book critics rated it 2/10.

Celt Magazine weekly : this book is not really worth the first hype we

Were expecting just like " Weeping Willow'', the plot and twist was boring.

Midas Blog

It seems like our literature sensation sweetheart has lost her touch with interacting with the literacy community. I am not really a book person but " Choices remained the worst book I have ever read

Daily Tuest: this has been the worst book ever, I could not make it pass chapter 3

I was beyond mortified I had had faith that " CHOICES' will be a deal breaker way better than WEEPING WILLOW. I was not ready for the society criticism I had cried myself to sleep but I had to dust myself up and try again. In publishing choices I made more copies with hope that it will outsell WEEPING WILLOW , my losses just tripled.

It was the annual Literacy awards that honored all writers, authors and the best author was awarded with some money. I was excited and eager to go and hopeful that " Weeping Willow" will be selected for that category. I had stepped from my limousine and was walking gracefully down the red carpet. To my dismay the paparazzi did not even call my name or attempt fan stuff it was just as if I was a total nobody, I was embarrassed I just walked into the venue quietly sniffing to make matters the category I thought that Weeping willow will be it was switched with "Choices" I almost died of embarrassment when I saw the votes it was a 6% and later I was given an honorary for " weeping willow' in another category. I had to force the smile and cheers as I applauded for other winners. I have always dreamt to take that award, make a speech and get applauded but here I was on the down pit applauding and cheering for others.

Martin Sarvey was lying down in his bed, on his bed was two women nude who were sleeping peacefully. He just stood up, wore his boxers and moved downstairs to get a drink.

"You seem busy, I decided not to disturb you and wait for you"

Sarvey swirled and saw the man in front of him, " Serious It was no big deal, you would have interrupted or rather join us it will be fun.", he said casually going to the bar and looking around to check if anyone was awake to see him talking to an non-existent figure.

The man shrugged "It's so pitiful that you Mortals find joy in that, but that's our strongest ally to fall man you want to destroy a Man, send a woman, it always have been occurring from time immemorial since the days of Adam and Eve and if I was ever to copulate with any human I don't think she will ever live to talk about it.

Sarvey nodded and sipped the drink.

"I came to let you know that things are working in place, Avery is going through a rough patch but I don't want to frustrate her rather I want her to accept by her own terms. You take over a soul by its willingness. That's where you come in.

Sarvey looked at him and said nothing. he did not like Avery, but he was not ready to voice out his mind, she was different from other women he had dated, she was intelligent and he didn't like intelligent women, he preferred the bimbos, dumb ones who he can easily assert his authority over.

" I am tired of moving around, this human vessel I possess seem to be weakening everyday, sometimes I forget to do the basics like feed.

The rest of the month has been miserable.

" I told you, that this type of world we are in is different from what you are used to, you have to work hard to remain at the top or else you will be pulled away. the fame and bustle is slowly going to fade away, you can't just sit down here and be soloquizing, you have to stand up, dust yourself and work harder", James told him when he came to visit me

I had not experienced anything like this before like being the loser , I always win.

"So what do you expect me to do". I asked him.

James stood up and went to the window as if he was carefully picking his words or what to say.

Me on the other hand was lost in my own thoughts.

"How far are you willingingly to go to make a comeback?

"Eh". I widened my eyes "I didn't get what you mean. 

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