Chapter 28

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I just stood soulless as the ORDER's meeting proceeded..we all just stood quiet as The Grandmaster voice boomed through the hall as every one stood like a statue. Inwardly my heart was beating so fast. I inwardly prayed that we should not be assigned for any bad ritual speak for yourself my mind chided! Because you know deep down that Sarvey won't hesitate to do ....
" Congratulations are in order for the chosen ones, Avery and Sarvey please come forward.
I gasped inwardly and stiffly walked up to the altar.
" The master is pleased with you Avery ! Now our plans will fall in place come forward.
I knelt down before the altar I could see SArvey kneeling beside me two.
The grandmaster began an incantation and smoke seemed to sleep out from the mirror a huge smoke and just at that time a pair of feet without a body appeared before me.i was deathly scared but didn't want to show it! The feet walked around I n SArvey twice then disappeared.
" The master approves and he sends his congratulations and in order to have a good feast for this..we shall celebrate with the blood wine ..
The ceremony went as usual and I couldbt wait to go home

I had submitted the strand of hair that I had gotten from Grace to the mirror and every time I keep cringing at the sight of my phone ringing to peer if it was Sr.Agatha was the one calling probably to announce her death to me .
Two days later it happened...Grace went to the kitchen to collect water for whatever it is she was doing... The details of her death was sketchy but Grace had been electrocuted to death.. cause of death was the electric kettle....
I had gone there to wail and cry , even some paparazzi had sneaked there and the photographs were all the social media. As for Kayla she didn't even have the closest clue to as why her senior sister was not in the room with her she was just playing and making baby noises . As usual I promised another hefty sum of money to the orphanage I was pregnant with my own child but still killing another child in my defense..I didn't kill her the mirror did.
Surprisly the ghost stopped coming and I was everly happy.
I just got an idea for a book And I started writing it and boom! Within the space of five days I was done and i sent it over to the editors and of course the publishers.

6 months later
My baby bump had become visible and I was six months gone, I lived my life just the way I wanted .Sarvey just asked about the baby just to show that he cared, we lived in that house as strangers, but outside we had to act like the perfect couple and once the gossip blogs were agog with SArvey's constant cheating : I on the other hand just smiled and pretended to the public that it was all a RUmor!
Elizabeth on her part was working on getting pregnant.
" Don't you think you should take it easy on yourself" I told her that day we were hanging out at a golf resort.
" I have been trying way long before you got pregnant .. failed 10 IVFS! I have done countless fertility tests and they all come out good and I have been having sex like mad to even try to get pregnant the natural way but no way! " She scoffed.
" This things take time Lizzy !
" When are you having a  gender reveal party?
" I don't know yet, I don't think I am having one yet! I just want to be surprised that's all...
"Yeah and the media is taking to your pregnancy very well ,anyways I have been thinking of something then I decided to run it by You..
"okay shoot!" I said slurping my juice down.
" I was thinking about asking Richard for his sperm!
" What!" I spat out the juice .." What!
" Yes you know I like him A lot but we can't have anything because of my situation so I was thinking of asking him for or rather as a sperm donor so as for my kids to have a name and a face in the society at least we could fake a relationship..Me have his kids n stuff just his name and stuff. ...
I cleaned my mouth" do you think it's a good idea...did u ask him
" nope, I just wanted to run the idea through you and get your idea then I can have two kids by myself then I can get surrogates to do the rest for me.i love a big family" she said puffing out smoke
" Well,it's not a bad idea, so when do u intend to tell him
" He said he is coming to town by weekend so hopefully we could sit out and talk
" Well that's a good one,how is your fashion line coming up
" Tremendous the clotting line LizPlus..for all plus size and we cater for all type of budgets..growing up getting a fashionable wear for my size then was so expensive and trust me the labels only came with the small sizes n I could not afford it..I remember saving for months just to be able to get a fashionable dress by the time I had gone to buy it..the store had already sold am doing this for other ladies like me who could not afford a good plus size designer dress and FashionDeColle have and I quote" this line is going to turn out massive in years"Elizabeth beamed.
" that's thoughtful of you and very good of you new book " xhaos" is still doing well at best seller and stuff but I was thinking about going into real estate and food business..
" There is a RUmor going on that Willis is involved in money laundering.
" Willis from the order, Chairman of Willis group?
" Yes, and I believe he might have did something for something like that to leak out because the ORDER always protects those who are obedient and also his wife is being accused for child trafficking.
" Yes, I guess u and ur husband isn't the chatty type, because Sarvey is one of those at the top so you ought to do.
" Well I don't even have time for that, I can't wait for my baby to be born so that I can focus on my career and child.whatrver he does it's none of my business..
She laughed" so much for the perfect couple ..
" Whatever…I will focus on my child he can go to hell for all that I care " I saw her popping some pills ." Yeah one needs one of those once in a while be careful not to overdose...
She smiled" I know the right dosage Avery u need not to worry about me,I have been thinking about going on a hiatus! Just need a long long rest for me away from people infact away from everybody for now ..
I nodded " how are your parents…
" They are mom sent a word to me that the village parish priest wanted to see me one- one..I just told her I was busy then asked her to donate a generous sum to the church
" but what possibly would he want!
" What else! To help redeem my soul or ask me to give my life to God..or something because if it was money my mom won't have bothered calling..she has money so....
" Pfft! Redeem! Is this life ever redeemable for us.
" Nope we are in sink hole and sinker.
That got both of us quiet, I felt a sharp kick and it was the baby kicking, I watched as LIzzy signalled to her cabby to bring her golf equipment..I on the other hand was lazy to even want to wasn't my thing ..I was just hungry I was craving anything cravable I signalled to Tia to come to me, she was standing with the bodyguards and stuff...

Justin was studying the two women : his late  friend Colin had asked for his help in exposing the members of the ORDer.with the information he of the women there was married to one of the top leaders ,he made sure that where he was hidden that no one could see him especially the security so as for them not to  mistake him as a paparazzi as this was a private golf resort.

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