Chapter 12

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I have been driving around the town for a while or rather will I say that I was lost. I now drive myself I had to cut down the cost of keeping a driver and I was just looking for the mall and my stupid GOOGLE MAP was not helping matters and I had to ask around, finally I got to my destination, driving into the parking lot with the song "Dream light" playing from the radio it was my favorite song at least .Lizzy A had a melodious voice and it helped to soothe my mind and of course revert to the conversation I had with James the last time. He had said something about joining a group or a club he had called it that all the rich men and women were in that if I joined that they will give me money and power to get back to my feet. Was that not just entering a confraternity? He said they did not do anything bad just attend meetings and stuff. My thought was interrupted by the cashier who was telling me that it was time to pay.

"Oh I am sorry, I was lost for a minute how much did you say it was?

"Its 400 dollars ma'am

Okay bringing out my purse to pay for the goods, one big lady just dropped her things on the cashier box next to mine making some of the things to fall out.

"Do you mind checking that for me" the woman told the cashier eyeing me

"Ma'am, I am not done with bagging her things why don't you wait awhile she was here before you.

"And so" she sneered " I did not see anyone

"Excuse you. I was here before you why don't you allow the cashier bag my purchases first.

The woman eyed me and said "oh shut up the lot of you! Can you hurry that up; if you don't have money to pay leave the line.

The woman was actually making a scene and people were looking at us. I just gave the cashier the money, took my bag and was about to leave. I turned to the woman "You are definitely lucky I am in a good mood, I swear to God, I would have smacked your dirty stupid fucking white ass bitch, hopefully they will be a next time "I spat in her face and as I moved to walk away with my bags. I felt a sharp tug on my brain someone was holding my hair and I turned it was the white bitch, that was when hell was let loose.


Literary sensation Avery Sinclaire was caught in a brawl with an unknown woman in the mall, probably fighting over milk. Although eyewitnesses claimed that the

Woman was the first person to throw a punch. But the question now in every one's mind is Avery now a kick boxer and where the hell was her security detail?

I was home sulking and nursing my wounds. James and MJ were home with me probably trying to do damage control.

"Well, the police are asking if you want to press charges." MJ asked me.

" Of course I want to press charges that bitch just came up on me like that, it was my turn yet she was cutting line and worse I wondered if I had offended her in her past life, look at my face that bitch punched me and my head is in pain because she kept pulling my hair.

"Why did you leave the house without your security?

I sulked "I wanted to cut down cost so I laid off my driver and two of the bodyguards, Mike that I retained back was not feeling fine and has been in the hospital for a while, so I decided to stretch myself, drive down to the mall just to get something.

"I reckon you got lost at the first time" MJ said, looking at me with laughter in her eyes.

"This is not how I want to trend this week, my battered face all over the social media, news and stuff", I wailed. MJ could not hold her laugh and I glared at her.

"Well we are trying to do damage control as soon as we can.

I stood up and was pacing around my room with an icepack on my face.

James signaled me over to the kitchen, locked the door and stared at me

"Have you thought about what we discussed?

I dropped the icepack on the kitchen counter and folded my arms "how Is that going to help me, I mean what has that got to do with what happened, wait is there anything else you are not telling because you are making it sound as if I am entering a dark stuff and by the way how did you even know about that kind of people.

James shook his head and looked me dead in the eye "I think you have not realized the situation have you? This people are like a part of an organization everyone in show business is a part of it, it's worldwide and they have different branches and belonging to that group guarantees you never to be broke. Just join to seek for financial aid and don't forget the taxes are hitting hard on you." With that he walked out the kitchen leaving me thinking hard. I just went to the fridge took a brandy I had left there and started drinking and a bad nagging thought keep asking me to call my mom but I ignored it because I don't think any words from my mom will help right away.

I want it all, the fame , money and everything that screams luxury, I have come a long way to let it go away, I want to be remembered as one celebrity who made impact in life even if it means me joining some confraternity and asking them for money or whatever James said, I don't want to be forgotten just like a speck of dust. Drowning the last glass of brandy.

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