Chapter 5

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It has been weeks after I had that bad nightmare so it was a rainy morning I was home alone, was just strolling from my bedroom when I saw a mirror on my hallway.

That was weird because I didn't see or even have bought the mirror probably it was the decorator bought it because the penthouse has been furnished when I bought it. I just shrugged and was about to leave when it seemed as if someone ran past me. Turning around I didn't see anyone. The next thing I heard " DRAW! DRAW

And the next thing, I saw myself going to my art room which I had abandoned for long and I picked a brush and started drawing on the canvas I had left there.

The next thing I heard was MJ voice saying, " WOW! Did you draw that.

I jumped "how did you get here?

" I came in through the door! I have been calling and looking everywhere for you until I saw you in here.'' MJ said as she stared at the drawing ," Avery this is so unreal , I did not know you could draw like that, what is it called.

I stared at the drawing again ,it was a face, the eyes seem to be piercing through my soul, I had drew it in a color of gold and red as a face smiling peacefully in a ball of fire.

Actually I was scared of that picture it gave me the creeps I had to drag MJ out of the room because she was insisting that I give it out to the public gallery. I had taken the canvas and hid it somewhere else and thought of destroying it after. There was no way I was letting anyone see that drawing ever.

" Avery you cannot have a vacation now"

" Why not? I am way overdue for it or am I not?," I glared at James and MJ we were in my office and we were discussing some things.

" Yes, you are but not at this time, you have one or two things to work you damn know well that this functions and stuff that pay the bills.

" I am tired.

" This is your time! Shine! In this entertainment industry when your time to shine as a celebrity make best of it because don't forget someone else will come and people will focus on them just as there was someone before you. So sit up! " Weeping Willow'' is just a bestseller and you have to be up and doing. Time to write another book because the ratings are dropping and tax is running. You don't take a rest when making money. and don't forget to have that in the back of your mind. You take vacations when there is enough money.

I looked at him " Wait, are you trying to say that I don't have money again or I don't understand.

" you have money, it's just that the losses are running more than the profit just start another book or something.

" When writing I don't get rushed that's why I need a vacation , I write blockbusters when am relaxed and less stressed James.

MJ interrupted " Avery you still have to visit the children's shelter you promised them comic books .

I glared at her. She just shrugged

James was not having it with me and I wonder what made him act so indifferently because of money and I made a mental note to visit my finance officer anytime I had the chance.

Woodlow Francis was a middle aged man and he was my finance officer I had invited him over for dinner because I did not want anybody like the press or stuff to crowd me if I visit his office.

" Well,your money is still intact though but let me give you an advice ,if I were you I would invest in some stocks and shares because times are running and don't forget Tax and everybody and also on a scale of 1-10, your money can last you only for 1 year before you start crying bankrupt.

"What? Bankrupt? I can't run bankrupt I have money.

"Your money is just stagnant, no recurring profit, don't forget you have Staff to pay , your clothes and food allowances and lots more, unless you have another source of income.

The visit to my account officer had me thinking, sitting outside my Terrence with a glass of red wine in my hand I stared down the busy road down as people and cars passed, the human activity. I love this type of life ,the love the priviledges, the money and the respect. I will try everything possible not to go down .i want to go visit my parents maybe I will be calm there to write another book,something that will outdo " Weeping Willow".

Picking up my phone dialing a number " Hi, please I would like to book a flight for 7pm just economy class thank you." Dropping the call, I decided to start to cut down on expenses fly like normal people. The sound of the door bell distracted me, I had ordered some food even as the food came I realized that I had lost appetite as I swirled my fork up and down. I don't want to go broke.

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