Part 46

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You spent the next week balancing your new roommates, the film and the influx of information that was coming from multiple fonts for the comeback preparation. You could see how an entire team of people must have been needed to do all the prep for this comeback the last few times and remained baffled that this wasn't the case this time.

Jimin and Tae had indeed brought their laptops and you'd spent a few hours Monday and Tuesday setting up the filters for their accounts. By Wednesday morning you were happy to show them that their inboxes were both under 5,000 unread emails now. That night, when you and Yoongi had returned from the set, you were delighted to see that Tae had ordered steaks for everyone and had somewhere found a bakery who had made up a cake with the words, "Thank you Noona!" written on it. It had been a good feeling to help the boys out.

The film had progressed and more of Yoongi's scenes had been rewritten to accommodate the new changes the director was asking for, which seemed to stress out everyone on the set. You were happy to only be needed there for a few hours a day, but Derek did let you know that the speaking part he'd wanted you to do in the beginning was still a thing they wanted to happen. So much to your chagrin and Yoongi's enjoyment, you got your own set of lines to learn. All two of them.

You spent most mornings hanging out with Jimin and Tae helping them to plan their day in the city. The first few days were a little awkward, both you and Jimin were nervous around each other until you both sat down Thursday night with a bottle of wine and just talked while Tae and Yoongi did their own things.

Another completely surreal experience to spend so much time with Jimin, but he was so empathetic and calm and just welcoming that you felt nearly as comfortable with Jimin as you did with Yoongi. And that helped your nerves mostly disappear. Certainly, your inner fangirl had stopped screaming OMG every time you saw Jimin in the hallway, and now when he poked his head in your office or just came into hangout, it was just like having a little brother or younger cousin to talk to.

You thought you could understand Yoongi's affection and annoyance at the same time towards the boys, as both Jimin and Taehyung teased him and pushed his buttons whenever they thought they could. But the love between them was on display in Yoongi's fond smile every time he talked about them. You were happy to fourth wheel while you watched the three of them reminisce about things that had happened that weren't on camera.

You and Jimin had been spending a little bit every morning out of sight of Yoongi trying to plan for Yoongi's birthday and were stuck between buying groceries and letting Yoongi cook for everyone which Jimin insisted Yoongi would love doing or steak and cake again. You agreed with Jimin that Yoongi would really love cooking, but you also knew what the shooting schedule looked like for next week, and were a bit concerned that he was going to be exhausted when he got home. Finally, you made an executive decision.

"Jiminssi, why don't we just do both? Let's plan on groceries for the week after next, when the production gives Yoongi that two weeks break again, and for Monday night, we'll just order what you and Tae ordered the other night," you offered and Jimin sat back on the couch in your office to think about it.

"That probably would be best especially if the filming has gone the way it has this week (Y/N), I remember when Tae was on set and his texts were always full of this kind of frustration. It does sound like they're changing things around more on this film than they did for any of Tae's films," said Jimin. He was leaning back against the couch and sat up to put his elbows on his knees and lean forward as he spoke.

You talked about the film and how that was going for a second, before a noise in the hallway caught your attention and you looked up to see both Yoongi and Tae in the doorway bickering as usual.

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