Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, etc etc etc

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~Author's Note~


I saw yesterday the note from HYBE/BigHit/WeVerse that our Yoongi had contracted Covid. (Probably from the stupid Americans, by which I mean as an American, I get to say cause I've met my neighbors and smart about pandemics they are not .)

This morning I see that RM & Jin have also announced they have Covid-19.  I would like to hope that RM continues to be asymptomatic, that Yoongi's cold like symptoms stay low-key,  that Jin's worsening symptoms get better soon and that HYBE allows enough time between now and the Scammys to let our boys rest and recover from this nastyness.

(But also if Covid keeps Yoongi from the ceremony, *ominous music plays* things...will happen. Mostly me just screaming and crying but something.)

Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, Belated Hannukah,  Happy Kwanza, Blessed Festivus for the rest of y'all  wherever you may be. 

And please Santa let me finish this book by New Years so I can finally get some sleep.

Fields of Gold (MYG)✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora