Chapter 4

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My training consisted of many things. First one of the agents, a very tall muscly man started yelling at Mr. Sterling when I first walked in. I'm assuming because of my age. He thought that some little child should not be here, I'm guessing.

He was speaking in a language I did not understand. That ended real quick when Mr. Sterling gave me that look, and I had the guy on the ground in a headlock in 2 seconds flat. We then proceeded to line up every agent in the room, in one long line. All 195 of them, one for each country on the earth.

"It's going to be really fun to learn all your names." I joked as I looked up and down the line. A few of the women giggled at my remark but I mostly got responses of serious faces. I then fixed my glance to my boss as he started speaking:

"As you know your mission has two sections, hence the name "Switch and Kill". You will first travel to every country on earth and switch their leader for one of these guys. We have found agents who look enough like the leaders that with some makeup effects they should be able to fool the people until you can finish, which leads me to the second part of your mission. You will go undercover in Rio de Janeiro Brazil as a civilian and get on the inside of Elijah's plan. We'll talk about that later. Until you start this mission, your priority is to train with these agents. Get to know them and get familiar with their fighting skills and strategies. You'll occasionally go on other missions like you normally do if there are no other agents suitable but from now to your mission you will come here and train every day."

"Yes sir," I responded with a smile, but I heard the seriousness in his voice, and I knew this mission was coming upon me quickly.

"I'll leave you too it then. Good luck." I watch the boss say to me and all the agents as he headed towards the door. On passing by my side he leaned over and said, "show these boys what you can do" with a slight smile only I could see. I know this will be tiring but boy, is it going to be fun.

"Ok guys, I think the best way to do this is one by one, I understand it will take a substantially longer time than meeting you all at the same time, but it will get me in sync to all of you more and will give our mission that much more of a chance to succeed. Anyone have any objections?" I felt weird commanding all these agents twice my age but what the heck, here we are. When no one objected I took the first agent in line and dismissed all the rest of them to the break room.

"So, you are?" I asked as I went to the corner to collect my gloves.

"Agent Morgan S. Rodee, I'm going in for the president of Iceland."

Morgan had a light kind voice and very beautiful long blond hair.

"Cool! Fun that the president of Iceland is a lady. So, I want to get one thing straight. I don't want to be underestimated. I don't want you to look down on me, all I ask is for your respect and I'll give you my respect in return."

"Of course, my dear, us strong ladies have to stick together" she replied kindly while she smiled and winked at me. I liked her already.

"So, first, I thought we could fight one on one so I can adapt to your styles and you can see what I am capable of. Sound good?"

"Oh yes, let me see what you got." She smiled at me and we started training.

After we fought one on one, we came up with different strategies we could use to get to the leader without being seen. I then let Morgan go back to the break room and get the next person. I continued this with 5 other agents and then it was all of a sudden 11:00 at night and the boss came in just as I was finishing up with Agent Joshua L. Smith going in for the leader in Italy.

"Time for you to go home miss." He said looking over all the many pages of notes and maps all over the table with a smile.

"Oh, but I'm having so much fun!" I tried to reply but was muffled by a yawn.

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