Chapter 48

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(Narrated by Jake)

Seeing Goldeneye in the hallway was the first-time I'd seen her in like 6 months. I think about her constantly and it kills me that she is in isolation. I know how hard that must be, to not have any way to connect to your former self. She became my connection and now were both feeling it hard.

I was walking towards my room when I saw her again, this time, flanked by guards. I locked eyes with her, and I realized what was happening. I thought it and she must have known what I was thinking because she nodded. She was compromised, her cover blown.

How could this have happened?? It was probably her partner from the Agency again. If I ever met the guy, I was going to kill him for hurting her. I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

I was enveloped in my thoughts, so angry. Angry at Goldeneye's old partner, her old boss, Elijah, myself, basically everything. I didn't know what to do.

Actually yes, I did. I was going to wait and then when I was trained, armed and ready I was going to go for Elijah. I was going to learn all there was to know about Elijah and his office and then I would go get him. Get him and Goldeneye. This had to be ended. I have been undercover long enough, and I was ready for him to see the real me.

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