Chapter 44

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After about 2 hours of flight we got the location. The plane landed and I got off. I had the earpiece in my ear and the cellphone from Elijah that included a tracker. I heard his voice in my ear.

"How's it going, Goldeneye?"

"Fine, sir."

"Good, this is nice and easy. Just a normal mission, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, then get it done. Floor 3."

"You know I will sir." The voice stopped and I started walking towards the doors of the building in front of me. It was a tall building with a lot of windows. Looks like an apartment building to me and that's probably what Elijah was talking about when he said, "Floor 3."

I walked in and past the front desk, to the elevator and pushed the button for floor 3. I walked off the elevator and immediately knew what room Sky's was. It had a blue and white ombre door with inspiring quotes all over it and they all had to do with wings or flying, don't ask why. I walked up to the door and knocked. Yes, knocked, normally I would just go in, but I know her, so she'll let me in. Hopefully.

I knocked and waited, waited for her to open the door, and meet her death, by me, her best friend.

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