Chapter 7

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Let me just tell you, the planes we have are AMAZING. It's basically a house with wings. There are bedrooms with 75-inch TVs, a control room, a bathroom complete with a shower and bathtub, a full kitchen, a science laboratory, a garage, a workout room, a hospital wing, a living room and basically anything else you can think of.

I walked into the bedroom I always stayed in when on the plane. Though it was unofficial, this was my bedroom. My extra clothes were in the closet and drawers. I had photos up and some posters to. There was a little desk in the corner and where I always sat and reviewed my mission packet. On long flights especially, this was a big help and usually rendered my mission successful.

"Agent Goldeneye, do you copy" I suddenly heard the boss's voice in my ear.

"Yeah boss, I copy." I made a point of annoyance in my voice, just to make sure he understood.

"What happen to calling me Mason when we were out of ear shot of the others?"

"Not really feeling it right now considering what has happened."

"Well, I find this remorse you suddenly have for me unfair. I am doing this for your own safety."

"Whatever you say boss"

I really did not feel like talking to him but what choice did I have. He was in my ear at least for the next 6 or 7 hours.

The plane landed and the pilot came into my room to let me know, I could go.

"Hey Mr. Wright, how was the flight?" I always asked him this as a joke from the first time we met. The first mission I went on, he came into my room and I didn't know he was the pilot, so I mistakenly asked that, now it's sort of a joke I do every time.

"Wonderful, I hope you had a most wonderful time as well. I guess I'll see you in a few hours."

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck Goldeneye."

I stepped off the plane and I to the warm sun. Man, it felt good to be outside. I looked around and made a mental note of my surroundings. There was the government facility right in front of me with big black iron gates around it, (like these buildings always have), a row of very tall trees that must have been at least 20 years old, there was a bi-

My thoughts were interrupted by the boss's voice.

"Why are you just standing there? You know what to do, so do it!"

"Ok, geez. What's the rush?"

"Never mind that, just get your job done."

"Yes, sir." I rolled my eyes. I was so frustrated with him right now, but I knew that fighting in this, would only make it worse. I decided to just suck it up and get this over with.

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