Chapter 12

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I stepped off the plane and started walking towards HQ. Boss wasn't waiting for me outside, that was either a really bad or really good sign. I walked in and headed down to the de-brief room. I went through my normal post-mission process. I get to the de-brief room, check in with the secretary, who then shows me to inside one of the private case rooms. When I get here, I make both a verbal recording and a handwritten paper explaining in depth the events of my mission. I really didn't want to include the whole abduction part, but I knew I had to.

Once done I turn it in directly to the boss- oh wait, the boss. I had to turn this dang paper directly into the boss, no exceptions. That's the first rule of de-brief, and I think I have already broken enough of his rules today. I went back out and as I walked back past the secretary, she gave me a sympathetic smile. Wow, news travels fast around here.

As I was walking down the hallway to his office, I started thinking up an apology speech but then I realized, no. I don't have to apologize to him. This is his fault for putting me in this situation and making me feel this way. I'll have to face the punishment for my actions yes, because I might have overreacted, but I did not have to apologize.

I walked down the hall and with full confidence went into the boss's office.

"Here is my mission report, sir" I put the file on his desk and started to walk out. If I could get out just like this is would be a miracle.

"Goldeneye sit down, now" Darn it, I knew that would be to easy. I turned and sat.

"I specifically told you that if that earpiece came out of your ear, it would affect your job I know that it was taken out of your ear but you refused back up and then continued to hang up on me, twice. This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Before I continue, I need to make sure you understand the seriousness of your actions."

"Yes sir, I understand I overreacted, but I think this situation you put me in was unfair and inconsiderate-"

"You will let me finish. Before this all happened, I was going to tell you that there is a new time constraint on the mission Switch and Kill, and we need you to start taking in the agents in 2 months. This would have meant that you will only be able to spend about 10 minutes with each agent and work 01:00 to 23:00. I regret to inform you that now because of your actions, I will have to remove you from this mission. If I can't even trust your behavior on a day mission, there is no way I can let you go on a 4-year undercover mission. You are dismissed." Removed from the mission, is that what I just heard??

"But Sir, plea-"

"I said, you are dismissed." I could hear in the tone of his voice that there was no arguing.

"Yes sir" I stood up and walked to the door. "Boss, I'm sorry I disappointed you."

I walked out of his office and down the hall to the nest. The only other person there at the time was Brayden. He looked up from his computer and when he saw me, he stood up.

"Hey, what did the boss say to you?" I was really not in the mood for this right now.


"Ok wow, sorry. I'll leave you alone. Just thought maybe you would like to know that when you took your earpiece out, Boss was really worried. He had the whole Nest tracking you and he had me call every single one of those guards until one picked up. I've never seen him so frantic in my life."

"Yeah, thanks Brayden." I said this with no appreciation whatsoever. I knew as I walked away, I should have been kinder because he meant well, but I just really wanted to go home.

I walked to the locker room to get my stuff. 

When I got home, I went to bed and slept for the most hours I have slept in weeks. Exactly 4 hours and 38 minutes. Don't ask how I know that, I'm a freak sometimes.

I woke up and while I laid in bed, I thought for a moment. I really did not want to go back to work. What was the point, I was off the one mission I was working for so, I'm sure they don't need me.

My phone started ringing; it was the boss. Great. Just what I needed this morning. I figured I have already upset him enough, so I picked up the phone.

"Are you on your way to work? Usually you're in by now." He had a point; I had been getting in around 03:00 lately and it was now 06:00.

"Didn't really see a point of coming in today since you called me off the mission."

"Well considering the fact that I'm still paying you, you better have your butt down here in 10 minutes or we're going to have a real problem."

"Boss, it takes at least 20 minutes to get there, if traffic is good. That is scientifically not possi-"

"I said, you have ten minutes to get your butt down here." He hung up.

I smiled to myself as I got up to get ready. I'd always loved this side of the boss. The demanding impossible tasks, knowing I would find a way to accomplish them, side. I can't be mad at him no matter how hard I try. It's like, imagine trying to be mad at someone you've known all your life. Someone who has taken care of you and given you so much. Someone you have such a close relationship with that you can talk so free and openly, unlike you can with anybody else. I'm lucky to have that, especially in my line of work. In a line of work where the first thing I'm taught is to never trust anyone.

I got ready and started driving. When the boss had me do stuff like this, I like to play a fun game. It's called, how long and fast can I speed without getting caught. Long name, I know but it's played exactly how it sounds. Little warning to you, please don't ever do this. I have a pretty cool card that I like to call the, "Get Out of Anything Free Card" from the agency that can get me out of basically anything like that but I'm like 99.99999 percent sure that you don't so please don't go get in trouble because you read this.

I was going 90 in a 35 limit all the way to the agency. How did I not crash into anyone you ask? There are a ton of back roads from my house to the agency that are never used so that helps. I got to HQ exactly 13 minutes after the boss called me. The only reason this happened so fast is I didn't get myself ready in any way, I figured I could get ready at the agency. I have basically another wardrobe there plus what was in the clothes and makeup closet was always open to me, (per the boss's request because I always get in so early and don't want to get ready that early).

I stepped out of my car and the boss was standing with his arms crossed at the front door.

"You're late."

"Yeah, ok." I smiled and I think I saw a smirk flicker on Mason's face for just a second.

"Walk with me and listen closely." He started walking very fast and I had to jog to catch up, "You have directly disobeyed at least, let's see, all my direct orders in the last two days. That behavior is unacceptable like I've said before. There is only one thing keeping me from suspending you for the rest of the year. That is the fact that I know you. I know you to well enough to know that you didn't do any of that out of pure anger. It was just petty emotions. You need to fix that fast, but I can't punish you for something you didn't really mean. I am putting you back on the Elijah case but under strict probation. One more outburst and you are suspended"

"That is fair boss, and your right I do have to control my emotions, but can I ask one question?"

"You can ask but I can't guarantee an answer?"

"Who else were you going to put on the Elijah case if it wasn't me?"

"Let's just say, he's a good shot." I didn't like his mysteriousness, but I knew now was not the time to argue.  Boss stopped walking and I realized we had arrived at Room *.

"Here we are, remember the new time constraint. Strictly on 10 minutes with each agent and you will have to work extra tonight since you came in so late."

"Yes, sir and thank you."

"Don't make me regret this." He turned around and started walking down the hall. Here we go again I thought. The next 8 weeks of my life were going to be great.

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