Chapter 24

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I woke up in a dark room. I was sitting on the floor and all I could see was a blinking red light from what must have been a camera in the top left corner.

I knew I was with Elijah and if I didn't make the right move here, it could screw the entire mission. I realized that I still had the earpiece in my pocket from when I saved it in the hospital, but I couldn't risk grabbing it now. They were watching.

It felt like forever had passed before someone came in and handcuffed me to a chair. It was a tall, dark hair lady.

"It's pretty nice here, huh. The natural light is really beautiful."

She finished binding me and stood up, "I would cooperate if I was you."

"Yeah, well that's the problem. You're not me." I smiled and she scoffed as she walked away.

"Then you, are dead meat." She shut the door and I was returned to the darkness.

The next person to come into my room was the devil himself.

"Hello "Liz" is that's even your real name."

"Hey, how are you doing?" I smiled, "So, I'm guessing no second date. Right?" I winked at him and he slapped me.

"So, here is the deal, obviously you are working with some American Intelligence Agency to stop me from carrying out world domination. This has already happened to me at least 20 times. I have a system now. You tell me who you are, or I will kill you."

"Ok, fair enough. But let me say one thing. I am not working for any American Intelligence Agencies. I am working on my own to help prevent them from stopping terrorism. I was looking for you to join you. You could use me, guarantee it. I knew the only way to you was through a date. That's the only reason I did it. Trust me. You're not exactly... my type."

"And how do you expect me to trust you? You had back-up waiting in the building over, and you kidnapped me."

"Yes, but that man thinks I work with him. I am posing now as a secret agent but in reality, I want to burn them to the ground. If I would have helped you, that would have blown my cover. That's like spy rule one. Don't blow your cover. As far as trusting me, you're going to have to have a little faith."

"Well, spy rule number two is don't have blind faith. If you have no proof this is true, I will not believe a word of it."

"Fine, call any of your terrorist buddies who have committed an act of terrorism at least in the last century. Guarantee every one of them tells you I helped them and that they trust me."

"Oh really? That's a big bet. Are you sure you are willing to risk that?"

"Absolutely." I looked him right in the eye and smiled.

"Fine. If even one of them says no, you're dead."

"Deal." He stared at me for a few seconds, smiled and then walked out of the room.

I have no comment to you on what just happened, or what I just said. Believe what you read, that's all I can say.

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