Chapter 42

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(Narrated by Ethan)

The boss and I watched Goldeneye go into Elijah's base with that journal. I tried to run after her, but it was too late, and now she was going inside to greet Elijah who knew the truth about her. I regret making that call, I was just so mad in the moment. I thought it was the only solution.

I flew home on one of the Agency's private jets. When we got back to our base everything was in chaos. The paperwork employees were lost in their filing, the ones with computers were wildly typing and the field agents were all waiting in the Nest. The boss was getting call after call while we were traveling, and now that he was finally here people, we're surrounding him.

"Everyone SHUT UP." He yelled after being swarmed and yelled at by more than a dozen people. "I am doing everything I can to fix this, but we have been compromised. There is nothing much we can do so you all might as well go home. The agency is done." Everyone nodded and started to walk away but one more person spoke, it was Sky, one of the guards. If I remember she was one of Goldeneye's good friends.

"One question boss," she started, "who did this?"

"Goldeneye." I heard a collective gasp go around the room. Everyone was shocked, they should be. She was our best agent and now she has ruined us.

People started clearing out of the building slowly but surely. Once it was just me and the boss left, I asked the question I had been dreading all day.

"When are the coming?" He looked up from his desk at me with saddened eyes.

"In about 5 minutes."

"Yes, sir. And thank you. Thank you for providing me with this amazing opportunity, to see the world, save the world and realize there is good inside me."

"It was my pleasure, you are an amazing agent, employee and person. I am so sorry you have to go back. You don't deserve this."

"Yes, sir." I walked out of his office for the last time. I walked down the hall and out of HQ. To greet me was the series of police cars. The first officer got out, handcuffed me, and shoved me into the car. Here we go again.

You're probably wondering why I have to go back to jail when I've been good for so long now. Well, in order for the Agency to take me out of jail and use me as an agent they had to sign a contract saying if it ever shut down or I lost the job, I would have to go back. Yes, the things I did were really that bad.

Once we drove there, I was escorted out of the car and into the building. I went through the process I'd gone through a dozen times before:

Drive through the security, gates, talk to the reception desk, get put in the holding cell, get taken to a private area for a strip search, sit in "the boss chair", get interrogated, placed back in a holding cell, get checked by medical staff, get your picture taken and be given your identity card, sign all the contracts, interrogated again by a senior officer, be given your pack, and meet with an INSIDER, and that's just the first night.

By the time I got to my cell I was exhausted, upset and so full of regret. I was also pissed off. Even though I knew she did it for the job, I was pissed off that she did this. She got me here, and now I would be here forever. This was a life sentence after all.

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