Chapter 26

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(We're back to me now)

I continued sitting in the room, waiting for Elijah to come back. He was going to come back with the fact that I was right. Don't ask me how. After what seemed like 20 minutes later, Elijah came back in the room.

"Was I right or was I right?" I smiled at him. I would have flipped my hair too, but you know, I was bound at the shoulders, stomach, wrists, thighs, and ankles.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed. So, how'd you do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I called some people that would be impossible for you to have helped and they all agreed. They all said they know exactly who "Goldeneye" is and told me that she needs to be on my side. Obviously, there is something fishy going on here, so I'll ask again. How'd you do it?"

"I stand by my word. I am a terrorist and I want to join you."

"I still do not trust you. But no matter if this is real or a trick, your good. Too good to pass up."

"Your right, I am too good to pass up." I said as I stood up fully un-bound and smiled. 

"Wha-what? I was standing right here the whole time. How did you do that?"

"A magician never reveals her secrets. Now am I in your crew or not?"

"You're in. I'll need to get you your IDs."

"Oh, I've already taken care of that, I just have to go home to get them."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." I flipped my hair and walked out.  Now was the hard part, going back to face Mason and SilverBullet.

I was really hoping that the HQ would be empty when I got there, but it wasn't. I could see the Mr. Wright's car, which I'm guessing is what the boss took because it was missing earlier. I knew I had to be sneaky. I walked around the house until I found the window for my room. It's a blessing that the boss moved me to the first floor.

I peered into the window and to my delight SilverBullet wasn't in there and the door was closed. I opened the window and slid in. To my surprise, my stuff was all over my bed and floor. That little rat went through my stuff.

Anyway, all I needed was my IDs and my weapons, then I could get out of here. I found the IDs spread out on my bed. Hopefully, Ethan just thought there were covers. I searched and searched but I couldn't find my guns or holsters! Maybe he took them. I really hate him.

I could get new ones, it's not that big of a deal. I needed to get out of here fast. I headed towards the window when I heard the boss voice traveling down the hall.

"I just don't understand where she could have gone." I needed to hurry. I heard Ethan's voice as well.

"Also, I don't know how Elijah got out." I heard him say even closer. I jumped at the window just as they were opening the door. I think they probably saw just my feet as they entered, hopefully neither of them noticed.

I was wrong to hope.

"Who was that?" I heard Ethan running towards the window, but I was running towards the car. Just I was getting in the car, we made eye contact.

"Goldeneye?!" I smiled and winked as I shut the car door and drove off.

This was going to lead into a huge mess. But I knew what I had to do, and no one except for Elijah is going to like it.

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