Chapter 62

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(Narrated by Goldeneye)

"ETHAN!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE." I saw him on the rooftop, with, with JAKE!! I couldn't believe my eyes. Jake and Ethan were both in on this. I was enjoying such a nice time and they dumped, ICE. COLD. Water right on my head.

"YOU TWO BETTER START RUNNING, YOU ARE SO DEAD." All I heard before they took off was Jake saying,

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Oh sure, he was just trying to protect himself. Nothing could protect either of them now.

I took off rolling towards the house. I was going to trap them in the upper floors.

"Hey Jared, bye Jared." He laughed; he didn't even know what was going on. I rolled my chair into the elevator and hit the buttons over and over, it couldn't go any slower, I swear.

Once I got up to the 4th floor, I waited for them to get down from the 5th floor. I heard their footsteps and laughter; they didn't even know what was coming.

They came running out of the stair well and I stood up, looks like my knees weren't getting no pressure anymore. I stood up, put my arms out and judo flipped both of them, hard, right onto the cold wood floor.

I sat right back down in my chair. "That should teach you boys. Don't mess with me. Again." I rolled back to the elevator and to the third floor to go to my room and change. 

I was sitting in my room just reading when Ethan came in.

"Hey Liz." I didn't respond, I just sat there and glared at him. I could tell he was holding back laughs. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry."

"You, are apologizing for a prank?? Really?? That's so unlike you?? I can't beli-" I saw the realization of what he just said enter his mind. He interrupted me,

"Oh, please let me take it back!!"

"Nope, you said it! No take backs!"

"Darn. Well anyway, that's what I wanted to say."

"Your fine. I'm not really that mad."

"Well, I'll leave you to your book then." He headed towards the door, but I wanted to know something before he left.

"Ethan, wait. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Why are you running from the government? Why were you in jail?"

"Well, that's a long story, but the short version is, I did some very bad things. The Agency negotiated to have me taken out of jail to work for them, but the deal was if I ever got fired or left the job, I would have to go back. So, when Elijah took down the Agency, I had to go back."

"Oh Ethan. So that means I did this to you? I'm so sorry. I was so stupid and I-"

"Liz, stop. I thought we got this, got over the things you regret. I don't want this to bring them back up. It is not your fault, its mine. It's my fault I did those things in the first place. You and the Agency were the best thing that happened to me, you saved my life, even if I did have to go back."

"Really?" I looked into his eyes and I could see how serious he was.

"Yes. Is that all you were wondering?"

"Yes, thank you for being honest."

"You're welcome." He walked out of the room and I went back to reading, I'm glad we can be honest with each other.

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