Chapter 60

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(5 weeks later...)

It has been four weeks. Ethan has almost died by my own hands, about 200 times. Between annoying me and the non-stop talking about football, sniping, spy movies and everything else, I was ready to scream.

Good news was, I got the cast off my leg, my arm was only in a brace now, not a sling and about 100 of the stitches had dissolved. My knees were better, and I had just small bandage type braces but, I still had to be in the wheelchair for at least 2 more weeks, according to the doctor. We'll see how long that lasts.

I was in my bedroom and needed some fresh air. I rolled out, into the elevator, and down to the main floor. I passed Jared on the way out to the backyard.

"Hey Jared!"

"Hello Goldeneye, how are you today?"

"I'm good and you know you can call me Liz, right?"

"Oh yes, I know. But I like Goldeneye better. It suits you."

"Fair point. I'll be outside, call if you need."

"Will do!" I rolled outside and found a nice spot in the sun. I sat there, feeling the sun on my face, the breeze in my hair, the fresh air going in and out of my lungs.

This was nice......

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