Chapter 28

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I sat in the desk for another 3 hours getting report after report.... So, this is what it's like to have a desk job! Well, I hate it.

I was wondering when I was going to get to go back to my room when Elijah walked in.

"Hello Goldeneye. How are you doing so far?"


"Don't lie to me, I can tell you are bored out of your mind, but you will have to build up my trust to get out of this situation."

"Yes, sir." I knew when it came to working with Elijah, I had to keep my sarcasm in check. One wrong word and it would be over.

"Your schedule has been put in your room, but here is the basic underlay. At 05:00 you will get up, have 20 minutes to get dressed and be in here by exactly 05:20. Then you will work, have lunch for 30 minutes from 13:00-13:30 in the break room and then work again. You can leave work at 21:00 if all your reports for the day are done, if not you work until finished. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Last thing, you are not allowed to go out unless you let me personally know and you have an earpiece in. This is specific to you because I still must be sure you're not really a special agent trying to take me down. If you are, there will be hell to pay."

"Yes sir." He left the room and I went back to transferring data for about an hour more.

It was finally 21:00 and I could leave. I finished my work for the day, and I needed to get out.

I walked towards Elijah's office and on my way there I passed the entrance to the garage. I'm guessing that's where they suit up for missions and keep the vehicles/equipment and such.

As I passed the open door, I noticed Jake was standing just inside giving orders. He was suited in standard S.W.A.T. gear with a vest, multiple leg, and arm holsters, and all in black, the normal tactical team dress. I know those outfits are heavy and hot as heck, but they are fricken cute on a lot of the boys. That's actually what Ethan was wearing that first night I met him on the roof.

Anyway, he turned towards the door and we made eye contact.

"Hey new girl, come here." He smiled as I walked up to him. He continued to shout orders at the men around him and then turned to me.

"So, you're the big boss man in charge of the field ops?" I smiled and gestured to the men around us.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. I get to run a lot of the major ops that come straight from Elijah."

"Wow. So, I guess you won't be able to tell me what this one is about, right?"

"No, I'm afraid that's classified."

"Darn, feels weird to have someone say that to me."

"Really, why?"

"I'm afraid that's classified, mister."

"Oh, maybe I'll find out one day."

"Hmmm, probably not," I smiled, "Anyway, I should get going.  I would love to go out in the field, but instead I get to go home. Boring." I joked and smiled at him one last time.

"Maybe one day you'll join me, you never know what can happen."

"True. See you later Jake." I started walking out of the room but as I left, I heard,

"See you later, new girl." I walked down to Elijah's office and got the clearance to go out. I got my earpiece and headed out the door.

I needed to sort some things out with Ethan and the Boss, desperately.

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