Chapter 14

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I was on the plane, and we were taking off. I switched out the president of the US first and out next stop was Canada. We would then follow a very strategically planned out route that would strictly only allow 1 ½ hours in each country. We have no idea what is going to happen on this mission but all I know is I have no back-up whatsoever. It's just me, and the agent I have to switch.

One of the ladies from briefing came into my room. I was told this would happen because we didn't have time for a briefing before I left.

"Ok, let's waste no time. Here's how your mission will work. You will be dropped off in a country with your agent. You will get into the leader, switch them, and take the real leader out. When you get back to the plane there will also be a car. The leader will go in the car, your next agents will get out of that car, you will both get on the plane and head to the next stop. This will repeat over and over again until all 198 agents are in the leader's places. I would tell you where the real leaders are being taken but the less people who know, the better. You will get briefed on the second part of your mission once this section is completed."

"Sounds great to me."

"Any questions?"

"Not right now."

"Ok, if you have a question later, give me a call. Mr. Wright has my number."

"Thanks so much."

"Of course, good luck Goldeneye." She walked out of my room leaving me to myself. It occurred to me at that moment that it really bugs me when people wish me good luck before a mission. Like, if you all think I need luck, why are you sending me on this mission?? I knew we were going to Ottawa, Ontario first, for the prime minster of Canada but I didn't know how long the flight would be. I got up to go ask Mr. Wright.

I walked into the cockpit. This is where I spent my time while flying if I wasn't busy in my room. Like I've mentioned before, Mr. Wright is good company and it is an awesome view from here. It's so peaceful to watch the sky that looks like you're not even moving when really were going probably about 90 or more miles per hour.

"Hey Goldeneye, how are you?"

"Better now. I had a rough little bit a few weeks ago, with that mission but it's ok now."

"That's good, and again I'm really sorry that I agreed to cut you. I know that was what led to you being abducted."

"No, you don't need to apologize, I made you do it and it helped me complete my mission, so I won't hear anymore apologies."

"You have always been a stubborn one." He chuckled and it was true.

"So how long is this flight again?"

"We will be there in about 1 ½ hour."

"Sounds good. Mind if I sit up here for a while?"

"You know I don't, have a seat." I sat in the seat next to him and was there for about 45 minutes. Our conversations consisted of many topics ranging from clouds to assassins. Don't ask.

I left the cockpit and was on the way back to my room when I noticed all the plane guards were looking at me. I walked over to the one guard I knew on the plane, Sky. She was a good friend and if she wasn't on duty, I would always chat with her.

"Hey, why is everyone looking at me? Do I have something on my face?" I could always trust Sky to tell me the truth.

"No, you were always obsessed with your looks weren't you," she continued with a giggle, "It's just that, we heard about your last mission. The whole abducting thing and this combined with that email the agency received is making the boss more nervous than any of us have ever seen him."

"Ok, so are they all worried I'll screw this mission up?"

"No, we're all doing what the boss asked us to. Keep an eye on you. He has never asked us to keep an eye on a special agent. Especially not one as good as you. We just are all wondering why."

"I guess I'm wondering too. Thanks, Sky." I got up and walked back to my room. I could sense all the eyes in the cabin follow my steps.

I thought I was going on this mission with no strings and with the boss's full trust.

Guess not and it's all because of the stupid email. It was at that moment that I realized, THE EMAIL. The person that wrote it most likely was the same person who sent those people who tried to take me. Duh, I can't believe I didn't realize it before. This email just became more of a threat than I ever imagined it was going to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried. Just interested. I guess I can see where the boss is coming from, being worried and all but what he doesn't know is I can handle it myself.

I don't need help and I'm going to prove it to him.

GoldeneyeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant