Chapter 63

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It was just another normal day. Ethan and I were in the living room, he was watching TV while I was reading a little bit. Jake was in the kitchen.

In my mind I could see Ethan pause the TV and turn to me. He was talking but I was so into my book I didn't hear him. Suddenly he started shaking me.

"Liz? Liz? I asked a question. Are you even listening to me??"

"Yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid at once."

"Rude!! I'll just go talk to Jake." He started to stand when Jake's voice rang out from the kitchen,

"No, you won't. Jake is doing something important right now. I can't bear to listen to you while I do this."

"You're not doing anything!!"

"Well then I just can't bear to listen to you."

"I'm going to my room!"

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and a babyish voice, "Oh, did we hurt your feelings?"

He stomped out of the room making a lot of noise. I saw that he almost laughed as the elevator closed. Jake and I erupted into laughter.

"Well that was fun, I said as I rolled into the kitchen next to Jake.

"Yes, it was." He all of a sudden stopped laughing and got really serious, "Hey, so I was wondering. Now that you're almost a week from being able to walk, when should we start planning to take down Elijah?"

"Oh Jake, I know we have to do that, but I don't want this time to end. I've really enjoyed being here with you and Ethan, getting so close to you guys. It's almost like we really are a family now."

"I know, I feel the same, but this has to be done."

"Yeah, I know it does. What if we start tomorrow? It will be Monday and then we can work all week on it. By the end of the week, we'll have our plan, I'll be out of this chair, and we can go take down Elijah."

"Sounds good. Let's go enjoy one more night together, as a happy, non-special agent family."

"I'd love that." I smiled as he pushed me into the elevator, and we headed up to Ethan's room.

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