Chapter 66

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We pulled into to the parking lot behind the base, and all silently got out of the car. Our only way in besides the front door was the ventilation shafts that have an opening on the roof. We were heading towards the roof when a whole group of guards and field agents, I recognized from when I was there, came running toward us.

What is happening? Why are there all these people here coming towards us? That was just a freaky coincidence. Unless-

My thoughts were interrupted by Ethan's voice.

"Goldeneye, look up!" There were men right in front of me. "You take left ten, I'll take middle fifteen, JFSF's got left twenty."

"Got it." I ran head on and hit the first three of my section right in the face. That's when I heard Jake's voice off on the side of me.

"DAAANG GIRL. You get those guys!!!" I looked back and neither Ethan or Jake's group had caught up to them yet, they were just both watching me, in awe.

"Man, it feels GOOD to fight again. I CAN FINALLY RUN!!!" I ran and knocked another guard to the ground. I saw Ethan and Jake smile and then charge into their section of the fight.

I continued knocking guards out until there was only one left, and he was a big bad field agent. I knew I would meet a match here, but I could take him. I flipped, kicked, and punched but he countered all of my moves. After I threw one particular punch, I felt a series of stiches in my side pop out. Yeah, that hurt.

I continued fighting until I finally got him on the ground. I turned and looked, Jake and Ethan were still fighting.

"Hey guys, Elijah, knew we were coming, I am going to go in and continue the plan."

Ethan looked up for just a moment, "Ok, we'll meet you inside!"

I nodded and turned to leave but needed to say one last thing.

"When we get to the good stuff, and we have Elijah. He's mine. Ok?"

"You know it Goldeneye." Ethan winked at me.

"Be careful." I heard Jake add as I ran inside.

I ran towards the guards room, but when I flung the door open, there was none in there. I reached up to my earpiece to tell Jake and Ethan, Jared had gotten us some earpieces. Don't ask me how.

"SilverBullet, JFSF, there is no guards in the rec room, I repeat all guards in the rec room are gone."

I heard Ethan's voice in my ear as I turned around, "Well where the hell did, they all go?"

"I think I just found out..." I turned around and there were guards lining the hallway, there must have been 20 in total, just in my line of vision. I guess I had my work cut out for me.

"As soon as you can get here boys, that would be great. I need some serious help here."

I then heard Jake's strained voice, "We're working on it!!"

"Ok, jeez. No rush, just outnumbered in number, size, and mobility here." I charged down the hall taking out as many as I could. I used every move in my book, but even then, there were still more guards flooding in.

But I couldn't give up, we were going to win.

I was starting to get overwhelmed. Two more of my stitches had popped open and I was cut on my left thigh. That's when the guards around me started falling. Ethan. I looked up and sure enough, after all the guards were down, he came crashing through the window, his black boots landing on the ground with the shatters.

I was having serious flashbacks.

"Just like the old days, right." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's crazy that that was the beginning of all this, and now we're at the end."

"Oh yeah, that's crazy." He looked at me and we both knew what to do next.

"I got Elijah; you go help Jake." He smiled and nodded; we both took off in different directions.

I ran down the hallway faster than ever before, no matter how much it hurt. I continued running and I turned the corner ran up to the door of Elijah's office.

I looked in the window and he was sitting at his desk, totally unaware. All his guards were gone. He had no defense.

Elijah was going to be defeated, once and for all. This was it; I was finally going to win.

I opened the door and walked in.

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