Chapter 1

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I can't tell you that much about me because most of it is classified but, I may as well journal my missions so someone, somewhere knows what I did.

I remember exactly how I got sucked into this life 4 years ago, and it has been one crazy adventure. I'm glad for it, every day but I don't know what I was thinking back then when this all started, I was so dumb! You're probably wondering who I am and what I do by now so here it is flat and plain.

I am a highly trained espionage agent. I take on some of the world's biggest threats and I am the best agent there is. I am only 16 years old and I am wanted by about at least 17 different foreign intelligent agencies.

Don't think I'm trying to brag; I'm just telling you like it is. I know this is boring, but you need to hear a little bit of my back story before we jump into what may be the biggest and most dangerous mission I'll ever take.

It started like a normal day I was going to school, my first day of 7th grade! I was super excited even though I didn't have many friends. 

I had always been a smart child and always had an interest in being something like an FBI agent. I didn't know why, but that just seemed interesting.

So, I was just going to school, like I would have ever thought anything big would happen my first day. Randomly in the middle of the day, I got called down to the office. When I walk in its not my parents, or anyone I know waiting for me. It's a very strange, very tall, man in a black suit, with an earpiece. I noticed the office lady looking back and forth between him and me nervously. 

"Come with me please," he said, almost mumbling. He had a very deep voice.

"You're letting me go with him??" I asked the office lady frantically.

"Just go child." She said, trying to be calm. But still, I heard the nervousness in her tone.

I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen, or what I was getting myself into by going with this man. He escorted me to my locker to get my stuff and then proceeded to carry it while leading me outside. To my great surprise, there was a shiny black van waiting outside. He continued walking until we were at the door. He slid the door open put my stuff in and gestured for me to get in. I very reluctantly got in the van and the tall man slid the door shut. Now I know what you're thinking, the first rule your parents ever taught you is to NOT get into a stranger's car. Two exceptions for me here, one I don't know my real parents, I am in foster care so that doesn't apply to me and second, he was very firm, and my little seventh-grade self, did not want to make him angry. 

I sat in the van and noticed three things: 

1. The windows were blacked out from both the inside and outside.

2. The van looked as though it was made of bulletproof material.

3. The man drove very quickly, and he was talking quietly into his earpiece.

"I have her in hand," he said while glancing back at me through the rear-view mirror.

He paused and then said, "Picked her up at 13:00 and our ETA is 15: 00." 

I had no idea what that meant, at all. I was just hoping I was not being kidnapped as I sat in the back of that black, bulletproof, dark windowed, van. Staying quiet like my life depended on it. Because for all I knew, it did.

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