Chapter 21

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When I woke up the next day it was already 13:00. I walked down the stairs and found Mason and Mr. Wright playing cards at the table.

"Look who finally woke up" Mr. Wright got up and grabbed me a plate out of the cupboard. There was eggs, sausage, and pancakes on one side of the counter and sandwiches, fruit, and chips on the other.

"Guess I have my choice of Breakfast or Lunch, right?" I smiled while I got some food and then joined the two men at the table. I ate and played a few rounds of cards before going up to get changed. It was about 14:00 when I started getting ready and I didn't finish until 17:00.

I walked down the stairs very proud of my new look. My outfit was a black fitted overall skirt (which was very short) with a long sleeve white crop underneath, black high-top tennis shoes and some dangly bracelets. The top section of my hair was pulled back into two messy buns and there were gems lining the parting of my hair, while the rest was softly curled. My makeup was just light enough to be pretty but heavy enough to make me look like I wore make-up.

"You look very beautiful Goldeneye." The boss said as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks boss." I smiled and walked over to the kitchen to get some dinner.

We left around 17:45 because even though Elijah wouldn't be there until 19:00, we were in the middle of nowhere and it would take probably an hour to get there. Plus, I always like to be early.

Mr. Wright stayed back, and the boss drove me. When we got there, it was 18:50. Right on time. The boss parked the car so we could stake out until Elijah showed.

30 minutes passed and he still didn't show. If Elijah doesn't come, I don't know what we will do! We waited and waited until finally he showed up at 22:00. So much for being early. I touched up my makeup and headed inside. As I got out of the car, I heard the boss say:

"You got this Goldeneye."

I walked in and immediately saw Elijah at the bar counter talking to some blonde chick.

I waited a few minutes until she left and then made my move.

"Hey handsome." I smiled and flipped my hair as I sat down next to him.

"My, my aren't you a pretty lady. Want a drink?"

"Of course."

I continued the conversation and he bought me about 5 more drinks. I was starting to get dizzy and I needed to score this date fast.

"You know I really like you a lot." I said very smiley.

"And I really like you."

"I was going to eat dinner at this restaurant "Margie's" alone tomorrow, but would you like to join me?" I flipped my hair again and inched closer to him.

"You bet I do. I'll see you at 8:00." He winked and walked away.

Well, I did it. I just scored myself a date with possibly the second most dangerous terrorist in the world.

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