Chapter 8

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I walked along the fence until I was a good 50 feet away from the plane. I saw the main entrance to the gate with the security office blocking the entrance. Another fun part of my job is that I don't get to use entrances like normal people, I guess that is obvious but trust me, it's annoying. I hopped the big metal fence and landed softly on the grass.

I entered the building through one of the side doors and not even an alarm went off. So, I officially know why this guy was able to steal something so easily. There is not even any protection on any of these side doors.

I obviously spoke too soon because two huge guards came suddenly barreling out one of the doors in front of me. They were both very tall and were carrying huge guns. Fun, new toys I'm guessing. They were coming right at me when one yelled:

"Move, miss now!" I jumped out of the way, hitting my head on the wall.

I got back on my feet and the guards kept running, not even looking back. Again, with this base's security. Just wow. I continued walking down the hall and through the doors that the guards just came out of.

"What was all that noise?" The bosses voice rang in my ear again.

"Just some guards."

"What did they do to you? More importantly what did you do to them?" He knew me so well.

"I didn't do anything; they came out of the doors and ran right past me."

"Ok, just checking."

"Are you actually just sitting in your office listing to what I'm doing and watching my little tracker circle on the map? That's sad. I feel like I'm back in beginner training."

"I do not have to disclose to you what I'm doing, now focus on your mission please."

"Yes sir."

I was walking down the hallway and I was eerily quiet. Except for my terribly loud shoes that were squeaking every step I took. I took them off and threw them in the closest garbage can. Yes, I threw my shoes away. Little secret, they're not even my shoes. I took them from the clothing room this morning.  I was walking down the hall, my now bare feet not making a sound.

I walked the whole building and the guy wasn't there so he must have already left. That makes my mission even more fun. I walked back outside and headed towards the main security entrance. I had ended up coming out the back of the building, so I had a few minutes to think up a plan while I walked. I passed the plane on my way there and that was good, I needed some supplies.

I walked into the plane and Mr. Wright was sitting on the couch.

"Back so soon?"

"No, I just needed a few things. I'll be going out in a few minutes."

"Ok, and if I can help any let me know."

"Ok. Thanks." I started walking into the other room when I had an idea.

"On second thought, there is something you could do for me. I'm not sure if you're going to like it though."

"If it helps you on your mission, I'll do anything."

"Ok, but I'm warning you now, it's not going to be pretty.

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