Chapter 61

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(Narrated by Jake)

I sat up on the rooftop with Ethan next to me. "You really think that this will work?"

"Not at all."

"Then why the heck are we doing it!?"

"It sounds fun."

"We're both going to die."

"Really, how?"


"Fair, point. Let's do it anyway..." With that he made the shot that started the chain of water balloons all heading towards Liz, who was sitting out in the yard in her wheelchair. "And she told me I would never catch her by surprise. Little does she know..."

I just sat and watched to chain, slowly go down, slowly getting closer to Liz. The end goal would splash almost an entire bathtub full of ice-cold water right onto her.

I was going to die; she was going to kill me. I watched as the chain got closer and closer to her and then, it hit.

This is the end.

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